Cultural Geography

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Cultural Geography

Cultural Geography

Representations of the modern people of the world are strongly differentiated by social strata and subcultures. One family and tribe in pre-industrial society was a common ground. The landowner and the farmer went to a farm. Knight, bourgeois, commoner moved on the same streets, and on their feet, the hoofs of their horses and the wheels of their carriages adhered the same dirt. Aristocrats lived, surrounded by servants, and they were bound by ties of kinship with the rest of the people. The royal court and the palace was a giant anthill on which day and night, people were scurrying with the different social status, hosts and guests at the table pretended not to notice the servants, but in fact in contact with them every minute. Estates Company was formally and explicitly stratified, but space is not segregated.

Replacement of domestic appliances and commercial area vnedomashney service has led to the fact that the social stratification of society has become less clear, but the spatial segregation increased.

Geographer is the surrounding space as a continuous, unified cultural landscape, which occupies the entire land, and all subjects were close neighbors not by chance, they form some kind of complex to be explained. But it polunauchnoe, poluhudozhestvennoe partly perfect, partly rational representation of the environment, failing to spread in the new Russian economy has degenerated quasi-market, and now the landscape design to be called a piece of land between the wall of the cottage and the wall surrounding the plot, as well as an interior winter garden or greenhouses. In the rest, the outer area of ??beauty, purity and diversity of land no landscape architects do not care, and it becomes like a big dump.

For the "common man" space divided to background objects. The background is similar to the table, and objects - lying on a table favors, among which differ dramatically necessary and unnecessary, and only at this time. The space of urban "masses" - a cross between a supermarket and a garbage dump, it looks like and second-hand shop, where all the digging and digging, discarding unnecessary. Paul (the underlying surface), containers (containers movable and immovable, including cars and homes), and finally behind them things (goods and rubbish, alive and dead) - this is visible in the landscape of mass consumption society.

In the littered debris environment is the main type of person. It is not accidental key term at the present stage of Russian history has the word "zachictka." In a country tied to the oil and gas pipelines, the majority of the population is economically superfluous, but in terms of the global environment almost 90% of the inhabitants of the Earth, which will not be included in the "golden billion" post-industrial paradise, may be deemed superfluous parasites, but they do not even need to destroy the man- . Emerging world order may well be that the extra people will die or will destroy each other (the global economy - maker of the Last ...
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