Cultural Diversity Competency

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Cultural Diversity Competency

Cultural Diversity Competency


Cultural competence is obtaining cultural information and then applying that knowledge.  This cultural awareness allows you to see the entire picture and improves the quality of care and health outcomes. Adapting to different cultural beliefs and practices requires flexibility and a respect for others view points. A culturally competent professional is one who is actively in the process of becoming aware of his or her own assumptions about human behavior, values, biases, preconceived notions, personal limitations, and so forth.

In today's workplace numerous find themselves in a tug of conflict between their individual and organizational values, both strolling an ethical tightrope particularly when worker and business values compete. With the supplemented complexity of an international business market, heritage dissimilarities amidst distinct assemblies of stakeholder often compete. Values are convictions of an individual or communal assembly in which he or she have an emotional buying into either for or contrary to something. Knowing one's individual and organizational values is significant and has a significant function in both individual and expert decision-making.

The term workplace diversity, in the most usual sense, refers to the various demographic differences that comprise the employees of an organization. Diversity can refer to a number of demographic components, which typically include factors such as race, gender, age, and physical and mental ability. However, in today's work environment, diversity can also encompasses much more, including culture, background, national origin, sexual orientation, ethnic group, personality, managerial roles, learning style, and other factors.

Competencies required being Successful working In a Culturally Diverse Workplace?

A culture grounded in values, practices and behavioral norms that match what is needed for good strategy execution helps energize people throughout the company to do their jobs in a strategy-supportive manner, adding significantly to the power and effectiveness of team development stages. With each work that has been brought forth in the realm of team development, keeping a keen, eager eye upon the functioning and impact of cultures upon the management of team is a critical, yet key factor for yielding better team performance.

For example, a culture where frugality and thrift are values strongly shared by organizational members is very conducive to successful execution of a product innovation, and technological leadership strategy. Furthermore, a culture built around such business principles as listening to customers, encouraging employees to take pride in their work and giving employees a high degree of decision-making responsibility is very advantageous to successful execution of a strategy of delivering superior team development and extracting outstanding performance of such teams.

Five key factors required being successful working in a culturally diverse workplace is as follows:

The beginning and general management support: The general direction of the organization multicultural played a more active and assertive role to include cultural diversity, the organization plural.

HR initiatives. The multicultural organization had more human resources programs aimed at achieving cultural diversity, the organization plural.

Organizational Communication. Multicultural organization involved in a wide range of employees to shape human resources policies in plural ...
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