Corporate Social Responsibility is the idea which the stakeholders of the company uses for interaction, and for a healthy society, which they achieve their economic goals. The article chosen for the Corporate Social Responsibility is Employee Volunteering and Social Capital: Contributions to Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR is the most important topic in the business world. Sometimes, it is neglected in many institutions, which results to poor CSR. The article examines the theories which are used for understanding the CSR, and its importance in the corporate world (Mallin, 2011). CSR is the voluntary behavior of companies which helps in understanding the importance of it, in business. Institutional theories promise to explore how the relationship which is built between the business and society. There are different ways for creating this relationship, which are discussed in different theories.
CSR as a boundary between business and society
The article talks about the interface between the business and the society, which is created because of CSR. Corporate Responsibility (CR) or corporate responsibility is thus also corporate governance, corporate citizenship and sustainability, and provides a balanced consideration of social, ethical, financial and environmental requirements in business activities. Corporate volunteering is "an activity promoted and facilitated by a company in which employees or others close to the organisation have the opportunity to participate as volunteers in social programs to support non-profit organisations and their beneficiaries.”
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as business behaviours based on ethical values and principles of transparency to include a strategy of continuous improvement in the relationship between the company and its parts, a relationship that includes customers, suppliers, partners, consumers, the environment, communities, government and society in general. It is a business strategy focused on increasing profitability, competitiveness and sustainability, serving as part of a new model of ...