Crowd Source Funding

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Crowd Source Funding

Crowd Source Funding

Purpose and Scope

In order to expand the product offerings of Starter Loot -we develop a feasible design strategy related implementation from design to enhance both the therapeutic and the production needs of this social enterprise. We leave open to future contributions deeper analysis that considers the psychological needs and therapeutic possibilities of the work, which would need to vision specialists from other areas and more preparation time. The aspects of production-trade strategy of the problem as specific contribution of the discipline of design to keep the wheel moving push this project.

Starter Loot Mission Statement:

“The premier online social business model designed to connect small and mid-sized start-ups with crowd-funding sources.”

Analysis Plan

We begin by giving an overview of the social setting in which falls this analysis because of their close relationship with the problems that deal with entrepreneurship referrals. Then define two key concepts to understand the mission structural and actions of Starter Loot, namely, Social Enterprise and discipline of Therapy Occupational. This normative study is aimed at designers, directors, and staff from companies needs to design social and institutional framework which subordinate the security commercial enterprise at the request of social values. We intend to that this contribution is aligned with the search for inclusion in the design ethic social machinery.

Today's society is very attentive to the changing economic environment; it is increasingly demanding ethical behavior of companies. Based on the definition systemic corporate social actor as influencing and influenced, the responsibility Corporate Social has become more popular, it became, in the present context, an important for survival. The main function of the company is not restricted to profit maximization, but it also recognizes the multiple objectives of various stakeholders, promoting, well, social development. Against this background, managers need insights on social strategies employed in order to align them with economic goals of business, satisfying this way the internal actors and external actors. Various models are proposed to achieve this goal, in the context of crowdsourcing the most used are the Social Statement and Ethos Indicators (Paolacci, 2010). The objective of this paper is to highlight the link between social responsibility enterprise and social marketing. Thus, were taken into account aspects of social responsibility, its ideological, historical context, as well as his philanthropic aspect. Finally the concepts of social marketing have been identified dissemination tools as social actions. The methodology is a study based in exploratory literature searches.

Crowdsourcing, literally "crowdsourcing" means a situation has emerged recently and rapidly expanding. Crowdsourcing is therefore for websites to use creativity, imagination and the pen of Internet users to create their content, and at very low cost. The most obvious example today is the new online photo agencies that buy stolen photos of celebrities to individuals for the purpose of selling them to newspapers, or display them on their website. This practice, in general, can develop websites so the content is generated by users and for users without charge for access to this ...
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