Critique Report

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Critique of a Research Report

Critique of a Research Report


The age in which we are living today is constantly updating and facing an immense advancement in technology and methodologies to perform various processes. That is why it is imperative for very profession to stay abreast of latest technologies and methodologies not only to provide a better product or service but also to achieve competition and to deal with the rivalry in the industry. In order to achieve this objective research plays an indispensable role. No matter what the field is whether it is the field of business, engineering or medical the role that research plays in these fields is imperative for the growth of the field. For that purpose, it is significant to impart best possible knowledge to students about research. Performing the process of research is not enough practitioners, scholars and students must also know how to utilize the research that already exists. Performing the process of critique about the research report also provides a great deal of information and can ultimately result in the advancement and growth of the field by pointing out the positive, negative, strong and weak points of the research report. The aim of this paper is also to perform the critical analysis of the research report in the field of nursing. To fulfill the purpose of this paper a research study is selected and then this study is analyzed in a critical way.

Critique of Research Report

Critical analysis of the research report means studying the report thoroughly and then perform an in depth analysis of the reports. This process of critiquing a research report is so deep that it even criticizes the title of the report. It seeks whether the title of the study being criticized is succinct, short and clearly suggests the theme of the study or not. This suggests that the process of criticizing a research report is not only about talking about the methodology and results of the study. This paper would also undertake all the necessary steps to perform the critical analysis of the study.

In order to perform the process of critical analysis for this assignment the study that is selected is related to the field of nursing. The title of the study is compassion in care: A qualitative study of older people with a chronic disease and nurses. This study was conducted by Margreet van der Cingel.

Substantive and Theoretical Dimensions in the Report

This part of the paper would present the critical analysis related to the relevance of research problem and significance, appropriateness of the conceptual framework, congruence between research question and methods that are used in the study and the most important part of literature review.

Relevance of the Research Problem and Significance

The main purpose of this part is to look for whether the problem of the research is clearly identified and analyzed or not. The problem statement should be clear to the reader. The problem (or topic or research question) should be identified early in the ...
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