Critique Of Kolb's Learning Theory

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Critique of Kolb's Learning Theory

Critique of Kolb's Learning Theory


The current era of technology and progress mainly ofcuses upon the individual's learning and its application in the dfaily lives. May it be the learning of a particular field or the learning of general facts based on iobsevations, it is always useful to perform the functions related to our everyday lives. Learning is based on experience and is a constantly evolving process. Every other day, the humna beings are involved in the acquirinfg of new knowledge, or modification of the existing skill, knowledge, behaviors,values, or preferences. Besides this, they may alos be involved in the synthesis of various kinds of knowledge and information. Learning is a nartural process; however, it is contextual and not compulsory.

This paper will elaborate upon the concept of learning along with its fundamentals, and basics. It will, the, link the elarning concept with Kolb's Learning Theory, and present the historical background, description, and its practical appplication to various capacities. Moreover, Kolb's Learning Theory will be analyzed using the Fawcett's recommendations in terms of significance, testing and numerous other factors. Thus, a thorough critique towards the Kolb's Learning Theory will be provided in the following sections of the paper.


Learning Theory

The learning theories refer to the conceptual frameworks which elaborate upon the way in which the informartion is processed, absorbed and retained in the course of learning. The concept of learning brings together emotional, cognitive, and environmental influences along with the experiences for enhancing, acquiring, or making alterations to the skills, knowledge, values, and world views of an individual. The numerous sub-categories of the learning theories are divided into the three major categories that entail cognitivism, behaviorism, and constructivism (Bostrom, 1993). Cognitive theories extend beyomng the observations of behavior in oredr to elaborate upon the brain-based learning. Behaviorism only stresses upon the objectively observable learning dimensions.

Besides this, according to constructivism, learning pertains to a process which enables the learners to actively build or constructs new ideas or concepts. According to Merriam and Caffarella (1991), there are four orientations or approaches to learning. These include Behaviourist, Humanist, Cognitivist, and Situational/Social. All these approaches engage the contrasting of ideas regarding the process and purpose of education and learning, and also includes the riole that the educators may play.

Kolb's Learning Theory

The learning theory of Kolb establishes four distinctive learning styles that are dependent upon the four-stage learning cycle. He formulated an experiential learminh theory which provides a useful model in order to develop the everyday learning practices. This is known as The Learning Cycle, The Kolb Cycle, or The Experiential Learning Cycle. The basics of the four-stage model given by Kolb provides a sophisrticated and simple description of the learning cycle which depicts the ways through which reflection is translated by experience into concepts, which are ultimately utilized as guides for the option of new experiences and the active experimentation. Kolb's model of learning theory is provided below:

Figure: Kolb's model of learning theory

Kolb calls these four stages as:

concrete experience (CE),

reflective observation ...
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