Critical Thinking Questions

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Critical Thinking Questions

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Critical Thinking Questions

Make a list of the negative messages you frequently hear yourself sending. Analyze how these are affecting the ways in which you view your world.

A: Most of the time I find myself phrasing my questions in a manner which would indicate a general skepticism and level of arrogance in comparison to the rest of the world. For instance, the most common question I found myself asking people was, “Are you sure?” or “you think that's enough?” Phrases like these show that I perceive that rest of the world to be incompetent and it have been given a task to baby-sit them.

For this reason mostly I feel exasperated and that I am not able to rely on others for assistance. I feel overwhelmed with tasks or chores always piling up on my head, all the time I feel like I have work to do but no time to do it.

Assess and document how these messages affect your daily communication.

A: Since I usually talk in a demeaning manner (as said by my colleagues and I observed myself), people refer to me as an arrogant person. This influences the behaviors and relationships which I have with the world. People refrain from working or asking for my help in work since no one likes to be belittled. Similarly, majority of my friends have even stopped volunteering to help me out when I'm in a tight spot because they are also influenced to think, that I expect them to do whatever they do in an incorrect manner.

Even though I am under no such belief but however, this is what my style of talking has done for reputation.

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