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Critical Reviews

First Review

Skinner SR, Smith J, Fenwick J, Hendriks J, Fyfe S, Kendall G. (2009) “Pregnancy and protection: perceptions, attitudes and experiences of Australian female adolescents.” Sydney University Discipline of Paediatrics & Child Health, Children's Hospital at Westmead, Australia.

This study focuses on the research on the Pregnancy and protection: Perceptions, attitudes and experiences of Australian female adolescents to find out methods and designs which are used to discover the emergent themes across the study. Thus research study is based on phenomenological design or qualitative in nature and includes samples which are based on the of Australian females participants exclusively. Based on analysis of the collective primary findings of the sample research studies, three themes were identified that are, (a) perceptions, (b) attitudes and (c) experiences of Australian female adolescents. Overall, the study revealed that most adolescent females perceive pregnancy as a rite of passage and a challenging yet positive life event. This qualitative study needed involving participants from same ethnic backgrounds, perceptions relative to adolescent pregnancy and, about the decision making which is related to the relationships with peer, intimacy and pregnancy resolution.

The title of the study which is as follows that is Pregnancy and protection: Perceptions, attitudes and experiences of Australian female adolescents, accurately reflects the study because rules have been the subject of considerable research. The researchers of the study have conducted the large scale and systematic study of sexual attitudes and experiences of Australian female adolescents.

The purpose of the research study is clearly defined although the problem in the research study is not clear. Authors of the study have given a slight touch to clarify the perceptions, attitudes and the experiences of Australian female adolescent.

The research approach used is qualitative. Qualitative research is much more subjective than quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information which could be both primary and secondary. As already mentioned, this study chooses the secondary method. The nature of this type of research is exploratory and open-ended.

The method of investigation used, consists of a theoretical framework of secondary data by reviewing the current position of the photography practices as used in the courtroom presentations.

Secondary research was conducted through a number of sources, including libraries & the Internet. A number of libraries were visited for gathering valuable data from textbooks & journals. The Internet was also a major tool in obtaining relevant information, leading to search for a no. of articles in journals & newspapers from database. To prove the hypothesis, a research was conducted with the help of a three-step process which involved construction of an item pool, validation of the items, & pilot testing of the items. Also the data have been gathered through various sources out of which some are on line while some are on paper.

The main conclusive data are the result of a thorough analysis of the material found online. The research involved analyzing the news postings on the web over a phase of years. The approach employed was reading the abstract or body of ...
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