Critical Review

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Critical Review

Critical Review


Life is beautiful! Everyone in this world wants to live a happy and healthy life. There are certain crippling diseases and disorders that snatch all the liveliness and energy of life away. This in turn, restricts individuals to allow different pleasures of this life. Obesity is one of those health related problem. It is the general perception of the people that whenever one suffers from obesity it becomes difficult for that person to get back to a healthy life. However, this is not the truth. Besides proper medication an individual who suffers from obesity problem can take care with the help of exercises and various activities of aerobics. In today's era, where we live faces challenges of immense and cut throat competition. This is because of the rapid and frequent technological updates. This frequent technological advancement and updates enables organizations and individuals to get competitive advantage and to move ahead of the competitors. In this process of getting competitive advantage and to make the organization technological updated and to acquire the latest devised work processes and methodologies the research and its implications play an integral part. This is one of the reasons why the field of research has shown a tremendous development over the period of time. Performing the process of research is not enough one should also know how to use and critically analyze the research process for the maximum and proper usage of the research process. Critical analysis of the research studies enables organizations and individual to use the available information through research in the best possible way. For this reason educational institutes encourage students to perform the process of critical analyze the research studies so that they can develop the skills to perform that process of critical analysis and apply the extracted knowledge. The aim and objective of this paper is to conduct the process of analysis of the research study. To fulfil this purpose of the discussion on this topic three different research papers are selected. The following part of the paper presents the critical analysis of the three different research papers.

Bibliographic Information about the Selected Research Papers

The first research paper that is selected is titled as “Changes in fitness, body mass index and obesity in 9 to 10 year olds”. This research is conducted by L. M. Boddy, A. F. Hackett and G. Stratton. The research is published in 2010 in the journal of human nutrition and dietetics. The title of the second study is “Physical activity, weight status and diet in adolescents: are children meeting the guidelines”. This study is published by Medical Statistics Group, School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield. This research paper is the result of the hard work of Spencer E. Boyle, Georgina L. Jones, and Stephen J. Walters. The last study that is the part of this assignment is titled as “Obesogenic diet and physical activity: independent or associated behaviours in adolescents”. This paper is approved and published by a number of health and ...
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