This paper describes the critical issues by using new found technology systems in police organizations. With the advent of new technologies, the police organizations' ability to function has not only improved but has also got detracted. There has always been a continuous growth in use of technology at the U.S police organizations. The use of advance technology in policing has always been significant as it leads the police to more effective and efficient ways of crime detection and control. Moreover, the use of the latest technology enhances the means of communication and transportation among police organizations giving them additional benefits for maintaining the level of authenticity with the public, as well as other governing bodies of the country. However, the use of advance technologies also brought some critical issues that augmented some severe suspicions against totally relying on the technologies. The suspicions revolved around balancing between efficient crime control systems, as well as the recognition of human rights.
The continuous change in technology has drastically changed the police organizations' ability to function. Modern technology has opened doors for expansion of ways the police organizations operates and enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of work processes. Some of the modern technologies used in policing are:
Gun Shot Detection System
It takes moments travelling from life to death, therefore, to ensure safety of civilians and police itself there are certain devices that can detect the location o0f gun shots.
Photo Enforcement Systems
These systems are installed on public streets, in which a photograph is usually taken when someone violates traffic rules in order to evade speeding and red-light violations
Motion-Sensitive Cameras
Motion-sensitive cameras immediately provide access to location for crimes by showing live crime happenings.
Computer Terminal
Computer terminals are the wireless devices that help police in recording and accessing database files and information.
Language Translators
Language translators are also wireless devices that translate speech into the desired language.
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
GPS tracking devices are of significant importance for any law enforcement agencies as it helps tracking any suspicious vehicle and also helps the officer to locate any nearest units, in case of an emergency response.
Early intervention systems
They allow tracking performance of police officers by keeping a check and record of performance, training and grading systems and monitoring either they are fulfilling their duties perfectly or not.
Other examples of modern day technology could be Predictive Policing, In-car video recording, Wireless Video Streaming, License plate readers, social media to spread and receive information like facebook etc.
Technology enhances police organizations' ability to function and has played a tremendous role in improving the quality of work done by the police. Hand-held tracking devices, cellular phones, onboard computer ticketing terminals have boosted up the level of daily work done by police organizations. Also, the continuous developments and tough competitions in the advancement of technologies and systems have caused the costs of technology to fall ensuring heavy usage of technologies in our daily life. The use of GPS devices has enabled the policing organizations to track suspected vehicles hence reducing the risk of police ...