Critical Evaluation Of Play

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Critical evaluation of play in 4 life stages: Childhood, adolescence, adulthood and older adulthood

Critical evaluation of play in 4 life stages: Childhood, adolescence, adulthood and older adulthood


The biopsycosocial actions paly vital part in the life cycle of an individual. This biopsycosocial attitude determines how an individual is linked or associated with other people. This behavior shows his devotation or his needs that he wants to paly in his 4 stages of life. Furthermore, this biopsycosocial behavior alos play vital part in an individual's play because when an individual was a child and when he passes his paly of 4 stages of life, he become aware of the behavior of the society and the people arround him. The concern of individuality is extensively seen as the basic developmental duty from childhood, to late adulthood. Childhood is a period of incredible increase across all parts of development. A newborn which is a dependent grows into a young human being who can look after himself and interact efficiently and effectively. For these purposes, the key developmental duty of this phase is development of skills. Adolescence comprised of touching strain as youth struggle with the problem of what they want to become and who they are. Westerners see adolescents as experimental, playful, and even reckless, carefree even as adults, in compare are consideration to be productive, independent, responsible and hardworking. Thus far the practice of many youth worldwide is at variance from these standards, many quickly presume adult role individuality. (Hocking, 2004, 3-5)

The capability to connect in official operational deliberation adolescents may be familiar with the assortment of choices offered to them and the chances that their option may not be finest. Optimally to persons identities wanted by adolescents will promote a sound unified set of activities and self images and congruent with community niches. This procedure of identity examination is more exceedingly sophisticated and differentiated in areas prominent to adult possible selves like the domain of family and work. (Chappara and Ranka, 2000, 98-105)In the case of adult and late adult hood, people passed through various stages which guide them toward the paly of lifecycle path and this path may be interesting or it may be difficult to survive. These changes could be of various types through which a person had to go through.


Play in 4 Life cycle Stages

A person goes through different stages in his life which include childhood, adolescence, adulthood and older adulthood. During each stage of life, there are certain processes from which a person has to pass and these processes guides him towards the way that how the life should be spent. Further more in play across life, biopsycosocial perspective is also vital as it shows the mental attitude of individual towards the life. (William and Marilyn, 2008, pp 1-576)The stages of life can be called as the play as it indicates the 4 life cycle stages of human beings in which a person lives his different stages of life where he make many relationships and ...
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