Critical Appraisal Of Literature

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Critical Appraisal of Literature

Critical Appraisal of Literature


Pre-pubertal obesity is now a major public health emergency of countries with high development and Australia, unfortunately, the negative record of pre-pubertal children and adolescents with excess weight. In Australia, around 25% of people between 0 and 18 years (average) have an excess of weight, with a peak that is recorded in the age group 9 to 11 years, in which 23% of the population is overweight and 13% be obese. We now know that excess weight in Pre-pubertal children results in a number of serious medical problems, both physical and psychological, to accompany him, worsened, including in- adulthood. And we know just as well as the chances are low resolution and recovery of a situation of obesity, so that 70 - 80% of obese adolescents is now destined to become an adult obese. It is evident, therefore, the importance of an accurate and capillary prevention, both primary, by leaving- King over all the population is subject to the risk that we can well identify and recognize.

Interventions to change lifestyle for weight management in adolescents that include diet, physical activity and behavioral therapy demonstrated a modest short-term success, while almost nothing is known about their long-term implications. The identification of factors that can enhance or impede the efforts of weight loss adolescents is crucial to obtain the results in weight loss programs for this age group.


A study published in the prestigious journal Pediatrics by Golley and colleagues in 2007, examined the results of a randomized controlled trial with 12 months of follow-up in two groups assigned to a behavioral weight loss program (BWC) of 6 months or combined with aerobic exercise or physical activity "adventurous" performed with peers and aimed to increase teamwork, social skills and self-efficacy.

The study involved 111 (64% female) overweight, pre-pubertal children 6 to 9 years of age - who were randomized to receive two interventions of weight loss. 5 % of the initial sample completed the 12-month follow-up. Anthropometric measures and psychosocial were obtained at baseline measurement at the end of the 16-week intervention and at 12 and 24 months after randomization. The BWC has been structured in groups twice a week, one of which included a group of physical activity. The program included nutritional intervention, the prescription of physical activity (30 minutes 5 days a week) and strategies for behavior modification. Treatment groups were conducted by doctoral psychologists with experience in weight management in adolescents. Nutrition intervention consisted in prescribing a balanced diet from 1400 to 1600 calories, with the aim of achieving a balance of nutrients and calories throughout the day (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks). The participants were asked to fill out detailed food diary, with a continuous feedback provided by the dietitian. The topics covered by the dietitian were: presentation of the diet and system of exchange of food, portion control, eating out, fats, and choosing healthy snacks. The topics included in behavior therapy were: self-nutrition and physical activity, portion-controlled, problem solving, goal setting, use of ...
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