The critical management studies (CMS) involve the application of critical theory and postmodern theoretical framework for studies on corporate governance. Since the late eighties, a line of research that began to be marginal in the UK has been strengthened gradually, in the intellectual landscape of Europe. It is so-called Critical Management Studies or critical of management, a new way of approach to the analysis of organisational reality in business studies. Scholars attached to this current play their teaching and research activities in the vicinity of the business schools and business schools calls or business schools, places that, as usual, the critics have been absent. The function of these institutions education emerged in the United States in the early twentieth century has been to train managers, professionals who can manage and administer business. The performance of these tasks has required an approach in which the values ??are located around ideological positions near the defence of free markets and free entrepreneurship.
Critical Management Theorists
The critical management theorists chosen in the paper is Stanley Deetz. He explored ways to ensure financial health of organizations and also increase the representation of diverse human interests. CMS made, as a line of research, a series of key contributions to the study of organisations and business management. First, open a space for research qualitative management. It is true that bankruptcy does for your confidence in the model positivist and rationalist knowledge, but also leaves room for new forms of know the organisation. These tests are especially important in a historical moment in which communication has become an important boom: information, marketing and consumption permeate all aspects of modern capitalist societies. Given this new situation, the analysis of work process should be strengthened by an analysis of communicative and discursive elements present in organisations. He becomes a linguistic turn in perfect harmony with the social transformations. This new qualitative approach is also rewarding to allow analysis of phenomena occurring in the business world that usually are ignored by conventional approaches, for example, the issue of corporate culture and ideologies managerial, difficult to analyze non-qualitative perspectives. This allows better understanding phenomena such as control or power, difficult to grasp from a quantitative perspective. By Furthermore, given the development of techniques of human resource management that encourage individualisation of employment relations, is very relevant given the emphasis on subjectivity (Deetz 1996, 191).
The CMS, despite the allegations that have received, represents a line of research fully aware of the socio-historical context. Pay attention to the growing role in the economy, play called knowledge workers and workers in services, and even workers in informal sectors or even illegal. Critical Studies of the Management also represent a true critical view of organisational reality. There is a denunciation of the injustices of the new unrelenting neo-liberalism and globalisation, not only destroys lifestyles and cultures, but breaks the solidarity in Western societies; control and ideological manipulation in organisations; of sexism and racism, of the ...