Critical Analysis Report

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Critical Analysis Report - Domestic Violence

Critical Analysis Report - Domestic Violence


Psychophysical effects are those that produce mental or physical changes in a single act. Psychics refer to the devaluation, low self-esteem and emotional stress caused by the tensions that abuse occurs; employees produce such a decline in their performance work since the difficult emotional stress concentration, as physicists are manifested in the form of bruises, open wounds, fractures, burns, etc. In the sexual act is also present when violence occurs by force, causing personality changes and changes in relationships with the perpetrator, husband or life partner or other members of the family. The psychosocial effects are divided into internal and external. The first are those that generate social exclusion. Exclusion and violation of the rights key women and children. When a woman is mistreatment is forced to withdraw from social activities, relationships between families and even in your own home. Within the exclusion affected children in terms of affection, as a mother necessarily marginalized by domestic violence cannot give their children the love they need, which can take these children to the drug, the prostitution and crime.

Parents who abuse their partners are always there children is always in danger, although not always see the violent act directly. May try to intervene or be hit accidentally, or perhaps can listen to threats or insults that may frighten them or make them feel guilty. The emotional and psychological traumas experienced by these children may have very serious long-term effects, regardless of the child's age. Infants and small children who are exposed to domestic violence may exhibit poor health and stress symptoms. Their needs may be ignored while their parents deal with violence, bringing these babies to the mistrust and emotional withdrawal later in life. Young children who witness domestic violence often believe that they are the reason. This perception can become feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and anxiety.


When pre-adolescent children are at home the violence between the couple in the house, feelings of frustration and helplessness can be translated to violence or antisocial behavior in school. Some may act as bullies against classmates to acquire sensations such power, while others may avoid relationships altogether (Dutton, 2006). Adolescents who are raised with feelings of helplessness in not being able to save one of their Parents can create situations of abuse with intent, to make themselves feel needy and control. They may seek to be accepted away recklessly and using sex, drugs or Maras.

Domestic violence is violence within the couple. It is an evolutionary process in which a partner engages, as part of a privileged relationship, domination expressed through physical aggression, psychological, sexual, economic or spiritual. Domestic violence has serious consequences for victims and for their children (Hamel & Nicholls, 2007). It is well documented that the presence of violence against women in a household or society corresponds with an increased likelihood that children are also victims of violence, either directly or indirectly, through witnessing violence against ...
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