Any study concerned with criminal justice and crime refers to criminology. Crime is about breaking laws or rules established by governing authorities. Crimes may result in unenforced, cautions, and rehabilitation. Societies may differently define crime. The main function of criminology is crime prevention. In this paper I am going to discuss feminist perspective on crime, differences between “modern” and “postmodern” criminological thought, and critic on cultural criminology along with major points reaffirmed in New Criminology. The purpose of writing this paper is to give readers an efficient understanding on different concepts of criminology.
Feminist Perspectives on Crime
There are multiple perspectives that fall under the teaching of feminism, each of which engages different assumptions about oppression of women and source of gender inequality. There are five main perspectives according to the feminist theory (Amanda, 2006).
The first one is liberal feminism that states that social roles of men (e.g., Aggressive m and competitive) are afforded more power and social status than roles of women (e.g., passive and nurturing). Liberal feminists view offending of women as a function of gender role socialization and men are more offensive than women because lack of socialization freedom that give women less opportunities to involve in deviance. Second is radical feminism that identifies male dominance or patriarchy as the main factor behind oppression of women. Or we can say that discrimination is experienced by women because of social interaction and social relations are shaped by male privilege and power. Within criminology, radical feminists frequently discuss patriarchy manifestations in crime against women such as rape, pornography, domestic violence, and sexual harassment.
The third is Marxist feminism which states that subordinate class status of women may force them to commit crime to support themselves economically. Fourth perspective is socialist feminism, according to this perspective the ...