Criminology Assignment

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Criminology Assignment

Criminology Assignment


The main purpose of this paper is to choose three topics and discuss the main issues related to that topic, demonstrate the applications and experiences linked to these issues. After evaluating this, these concepts will be applied towards becoming valuable member of society. The main topics chosen in this paper are “The study of crime, Crime and its cost, and the criminal justice system”.

The Study of Crime

The crime is not a spontaneous phenomenon. There are always factors that cause or trigger. Criminal exacerbation can be considered as the expression of a serious and complicated social unrest has an impact on criminal law. In every country, in the world, and in all periods of history, there have been crimes. Crime is a unique human behavior, and is not observed in other organisms in which aggression is limited to that necessary to feed and protect the species and territory.

Main Issues to be selected

In prime cities, global crime rates have increased dramatically, youth violence is a common phenomenon and increasingly public, especially women and the elderly, feel insecure.

How do you explain this picture so bleak? Two factors contribute to this situation. First, no time we realized the limitations of traditional criminal justice (police, courts, prisons) to respond to crime. Second, we provide minimal support for preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of victims and offenders by addressing the underlying causes of crime and insecurity.

There is growing consensus that public safety has a great influence on the quality of life and economic and social development of communities. People from all sectors of society, including the poorest urban centers, are demanding more public safety. Public safety should be considered a public good that all institutions and civil society in general should establish and promote. It can no longer be in the exclusive hands of the police and justice system. To prevent crime, it is necessary to form a new urban alliance with all stakeholders.

Term used in juvenile courts of the United States to define the crimes is under their jurisdiction. In the American Criminology legally accepted the distinction between "criminal act" and "crime" is implicit in the theory that young offenders on the same considerations do not weigh supposed responsibilities acting on adults. Legal and sociologically the distinction would be based on recognition of the need for differential treatment with regard to juvenile offenders.

It is a strong set of social impact violations committed against constitutional order. This definition allows distinguishing between crime (whose study, based on a definition of legality, consider the frequency and nature of crimes committed) and criminology (which considers the personality, motivations and capabilities of reintegration of the offender).

Applications & Experiences linked to issues

According to Emile Durkheim, although crime seems to be a phenomenon inherent in any human society, the value attached to it depends on the nature and form of organization of the society in question.

At first, the offense was assessed in terms of magical or rigorous criteria, and transgression ...
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