Criminalization Of Youthful Exuberance

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Criminalization of Youthful Exuberance

Criminalization of Youthful Exuberance


The assertion that what was previously considered as youthful exuberance is now being rapidly criminalized and has become a serious concern to the law makers and the law enforcement agencies all through the United Kingdom. Going into the depth of this terminology “youthful exuberance” and finding evidence for this assertion may require considering the experiences in history particularly allied to this specific age span which would serve as an individual variable with its distinct dynamic force. Furthermore, criminal or offending behavior and youth would be required to be explicated with an effusive perspective so as to draw toward the way youthful exuberance is represented today. This assignment proceeds to examine the assertion that the youth, as is considered to be the peak age span for the display of illicit or offending conduct, poses risks and issues at various levels in a society.

With this in consideration, the study would direct its focus toward the societal and legal repercussions for the youthful exuberance which have been extracted from the way youth has been considered all through the preceding years, together with the substantial notions related to the behavior of youth which has ever been termed as youthful exuberance. Also, the study would present the current laws and legislations in practice in England and Wales, for the monitoring and control of criminal conduct and offending behavior perpetrated by the young people in the society. By employing an approach of analyzing the offending and illicit behavior displayed by the young individuals, a perspective for examining the youth and their activities would be established which would form grounds for presenting a vivid evidence for the assertion made in this assignment.


It is a proven fact that an escalated tolerance toward and suspicion of young individuals appears to be in the society, in today's world. This tolerance and suspicion is specifically occurred when the young individuals dwell in the open communal space. For collecting the evidence, there has been a research conducted regarding the childhood in transition. In accordance with the findings of this research, it has been analyzed that the young individuals are of the belief that their sheer existence in the open and communal spaces is considered by the society and the law as the offending and anti-social conduct (Scraton, 2004, pp. 130-158).

The fact that supports this analysis is, that one amongst the approximations of the standpoints of the anti-social and offending conduct, employed in the British Crime Survey is, the young individuals and adolescents loitering and dawdling on the streets. In accordance with the study commissioned by the Home Office that analyzed the driving forces of the standpoints regarding the criminal or offending conduct, the existence of a prominent mass of young individuals and adolescents, at a place, appears to be something towards which there is an extraordinarily insubstantial sensitivity displayed by the population in the United Kingdom (Home Office, 2007, pp. 19-20).

Negative typecasting of the young individuals along with their hanging around in the open ...