The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore Criminalistics. This paper aims to focus on the systematic process of Criminalistics and its significance. This paper also enlightens the usage of Criminalistics and its importance in providing clarity to the decisions in the court of law. The importance of Criminalistics is to establish the perfect connection between the Criminal, the Crime, and the Environment. These connections are made to find the reasons of crime and to trace the criminals. The technology is fascinating Criminalistics to trace the culprits, forensic labs and departments formed to map out the situation. Internal and external clues identified to reach the actual circumstances and situation. It works to connect the psychology of criminal and offence. The Criminalistics become significant to study because of increase in crime, and the unique criminal activities. Criminalistics give strong observations and relations between the crime and criminal. These connections help to prevent the similar crimes, and to resolve the upcoming cases with parallel relations. Criminalistics demand through understanding of deductive and inductive processes of verification used for investigating, and understanding of offense avoidance methods.
Table of Contents
Importance of Criminalistics2
Criminalistics vs. Traditional Methods of Investigation2
Roles in Criminalistics3
Print Examiners4
Arms Examiners4
Tools Mark Examiner4
Document Examiner5
Trace Evidence Examiner5
Investigating Crime Scene5
The Crime Lab6
The Basics of Evidence6
Instruments used in Criminalistics7
Can Criminalistics be trusted by Courts and Juries?7
Criminalistics discovers crime cause and eventually trace the culprits to crime result. The term Criminalistics and forensic sciences are used interchangeably but, Criminalistics is a part of forensic sciences. According to American Board of Criminalistics the term is defined as the “occupation and scientific discipline intended for identification, recognition, evaluation and individualization of physical evidence by application of the physical and nature science to law-science matter”. The profession was introduced for well-documentation and application of scientific principles for legal purpose (Beaver, 2010). This profession started in the middle of the nineteenth century. The modern Criminalistics were introduced by French criminalist Edmond Locard.
As the time changed, modern Criminalistics is completely different from old criminal investigations. In the modern era, the discipline of Criminalistics has specialized (Girard,2010). Criminalistics provide technical understanding of foot prints, finger prints, semen, tire track, saliva, and DNA evidences. It also facilitates psychologists to investigate the crime and offender.
The department of Criminalistics may take week, month, or year to investigate offence, and track the offender. Sometimes it is possible for them to solve the case in days. In the High-Tech world, Criminalistics depends and much focuses on DNA evidence (Nerko, 2008). DNA evidences help to spot suspect and make a connection to crime. The Criminalistics department collects, preserve and analyze the entire investigation. The investigation could be jeopardizing if collection, preservation, and analysis are not done properly. The collected and preserved evidences are accompanied by other critical elements of crime scene investigation, includes record of a particular time, location, and individuals actions.
Importance of Criminalistics
Whether it is the local police or FBI, Criminalistics needed to investigate the crime and criminal. Crime labs come under Criminalistics they are responsible to ...