Criminal Law

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Development of Criminal Investigations and Its Impact on Crimes against Children


Children rights laws protect the basic and emotional rights of children. Crimes against children involve child abuse, child pornography and child abandonment. The developments in the investigation of crimes committed against children have led to a decrease in the number of crimes. The most prevalent of all the crimes committed against children is child pornography committed over the internet. The government is also providing necessary support in the form of financial aid to ICAC and other programs. With intensive training on techniques and procedures of crime investigation the crime rate will come down. However, this requires an initiative on the part of children and their families too. Without their support, the government will not be able to achieve its goal.

Table of Contents



Crime against Children program2

Task force program2


Project safe childhood3


Investigation procedure5

The societal dilemma6



Development of Criminal Investigations and Its Impact on Crimes against Children


The laws on children's rights are there to safeguard the children, their rights and their overall wellbeing. The juvenile justice should provide special attention to the crimes committed against children as those subjected to any form of crime in the childhood are sometimes affected for their entire life. Any experience of crime in the early childhood and the societal reaction to it remains with the children and their family for the rest of their lives and has severe psychological impacts on them. There are three major types of crimes against children.

Child abuse involves physical, mental, emotional and sexual mistreatment of a child. Child abuse has lifelong impact not only the child but also on the family. The state law requires primary caregivers and other individuals that have a direct link with the child to report any child abuse against the kid.

Child pornography is another major crime committed against children in the US. It is spreading like an epidemic. It is sad that around 5 million pictures that are pornographic in nature are circulated on the internet. Child pornography is horrible in that it includes rape with children, bondage and even penetration.

Child abandonment is another crime committed against children whereby the guardian parent or any other person in charge of the child's care not does fulfil his responsibilities towards the child and does not take care of the child's basic, emotional and physical needs. Child abandonment laws in the US vary for different states, and some of them include the child abandonment in the child abuse.


The crimes committed against children can be curtailed only if the predators of children's rights get the punishment that truly reflects the severity of their crime. A fault with the American judicial system is the fact that many criminals get carried away from punishment in that they get bailed or get cooped at home for many months. The question arises is this punishment justified considering the psychological distress that the victim has to suffer? Hence, the laws should be tougher in that the accused should ...
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