Criminal Law

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Criminal Law

Criminal Law


Criminal law has been designed to make sure that no person commits an act that is not accepted by the society and is illegal. Such acts are not allowed by law; therefore, should not be committed. The English criminal law is a law body in the jurisdiction of England and Wales. This jurisdiction deals with the crimes and their impacts. The English legal system is common with other countries of the Commonwealth states. In the English Criminal law, there are two fundamentals of crime known as actus reus which means criminal act, and mens ra which means guilty mind.

Importance of Reflection

Criminal law is an important aspect in our everyday lives. I learnt a lot about criminal law from various instances. Reflection helps a person in learning about the subject. For me, reflection is a very diverse way of learning because it helps us to see many different aspects of the same subject. Reflection has helped me to understand more about this topic and I made sure that I took complete advantage of reflection. Reflection to me is an important and effective learning tool because it gives me the chance to learn more as it involved discussion with others, and difference of opinions helps me to learn more about the topic.

Improvement Plans

There is always a room for improvement in every field. Ways of reflection can also be improved, especially the ways of reflection related to criminal law. Improvement is necessary to make sure that the ways of reflection benefit the person in the right way. The following ways will help in improving reflection:

Saving time for reflection

Relating the topic to the real world.

Ensuring respect, trust and confidentiality among participants of reflection.

Using different ways of reflection to avoid boredom.

Reflection on criminal law has helped me learn a lot about the nature of this law and its implementation. One major characteristic of the implementation of criminal law that I observed was that the law is implemented on the poor and very rarely is implemented on the rich. This discrimination should be eliminated, or else, it will harm the whole system.


While preparing the presentation, I faced a lot of issues because this topic is a bit sensitive and confidential, as well. People are not ready to give information easily on the topic. This was the major issue that I faced while preparing the presentation. Even the anti-crime department was hesitant ...
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