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Alcohol related violence

Alcohol related violence


Over the years, it has been observed that there is a sturdy association between alcohol and violence. According to the International centre for alcoholic policies, there are eleven cultural features that may forecast altitude of brutality such as spousal cruelty and homicide. One the esteemed doctor Gerard Moeller, claims that, people who have antisocial personality disorder, a psychiatric condition which forces persistent level of violent behavior or disregard for the rights of other people, are the susceptible to alcohol allied assault. The destruction associated with the utilization of alcohol is an area of growing concern among young people. Alcohol related violence has become a serious challenge for the government of Australia. The policy is influencing the people to drink alcohol freely, because drinking alcohol is part of Australian culture. The drinking of alcohol is responsible for a wide range of health and social-related problems (Graham & Homel, 2008, pp1). The social cost related to alcohol violence was $ 187m. According to the research consumption of alcohol associated with loosing self control. In 2007, an alcoholic violent, act has been witnessed on the streets of Melbourne that opened the eyes of everyone (Lindsay, 2009, pp 371-384).



It has been witnessed by the newspaper, that the streets of Melbourne become booze battle ground” in the year 2007. Splurge drinking by young Australian was news of anxiety for many people. Young drinkers got out of control after drinking alcohol. The use of alcohol poses a bad effect on the health and to individual and society. The harms of drinking alcohol can be measured by the evidence of the total number of patients admitted in hospital due to excess usage of alcohol. Two qualitative approaches have been developed to explore the contradictory social forces which shape the modern drinking scenery. Self control is regarded as the fundamental idea of how the participants confer their utilization of alcohol. The idea of “intoxication staging” is prepared to explain how modern youth seek to enhance their level of pleasure by managing the risk of drinking. Individual self control is regarded as a weak reasonable force of alcohol utilization in terms of incongruous state, market exploitation and cultural expectations of heavy drinking (Lindsay, 2009, pp 371-384).

This article is based on the impact of restricted alcohol availability in Newcastle on alcohol related violence. During the year 2008, New South Wales imposed certain restrictions on hotel trading hour in Newcastle for a number of registered premises. This investigation determines whether the restrictions reduce the assault incidents in the surrounding areas. Three sources of police data have been used to identify the violations of restrictions. Linking data and recorded data show a significant reduction of assault. It has been found that these two data show no proof of geographic displacements of assaults with regard to other premises. There was no proof in terms of reduction of calls on both intervention and comparison sites. All the three sources show an evidence of reduction of brutality that occurs after ...
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