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Crime statistics attempt to provide statistical measures of the crime in societies. Given that crime is secretive by nature, measurements of it are likely to be inaccurate.

Several methods for measuring crime exist, including household surveys, hospital or insurance records, and compilations by police and similar law enforcement agencies. Typically official crime statistics are the latter, but some offences are likely to go unreported to the police. Public surveys are sometimes conducted to estimate the amount of crime not reported to police. Such surveys are usually more reliable for assessing trends. Public surveys rarely encompass all crime, rarely procure statistics useful for local crime prevention, often ignore offences against children, and do not count offenders brought before the criminal justice system.

Crime statistics are gathered and reported by many countries and are of interest to several international organizations, including Interpol and the United Nations. Law enforcement agencies in some countries, such as the FBI in the United States and the Home Office in England & Wales, publish crime indices, which are compilations of statistics for various types of crime.

I have chosen to compare the crime of forcible rape rate in the cities of Ireland Poland. I chose these two cities because I have had the opportunity to live in both of them for extended periods of time. Even though these two cities are in the same state, they are very different places. Ireland is a large city with a population of 3,694,820, whereas Poland is a small rural town in the mountains, with a population of 13,163.(UCR, 2007) With Ireland' population expanding largely every year with a diversity of people and cultures, the crime rate is bound to rise. Poland's population has remained steady for the past seven years, but is divided mostly into two groups of people, peace officers and their families, and the families of the inmates in the three prisons. With Ireland being so large people can blend in to the environment, but in Poland, you can't hide. Since it is a small town the city police know all the people that commit the crimes, because it is always the same ones repeating the wrong doing.

Ireland has a low rate of violent crime.  There have been a limited number of incidents in which foreigners and tourists have been victims of assault, including instances of violence toward those who appear to be members of racial minority groups.  In addition, there have been several reported assaults in Dublin by small, unorganized gangs roaming the streets in the early-morning hours after the pubs close.  There is a high incidence of petty crime in major tourist areas - mostly theft, burglary, and purse-snatching.  Thieves target rental cars and tourists, particularly in the vicinity of tourist attractions, and some purse and bag-snatching incidents in these areas have turned violent, especially in Dublin.  Travelers should take extra caution to safeguard passports and wallets.

Crimes involving credit and debit cards and automated teller machines (ATMs) are also a ...
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