By definition, e-Learning is the provision of educational programs and learning systems through electronic media. The e-Learning based on the use of a computer or other electronic device (e.g. mobile phone) to provide people with instructional material. Distance education laid the foundation for the development of e-Learning, which solves some problems in terms of time; synchronize agendas, attendance and travel, regular problems of traditional education. Also, the e-Learning may involve a greater variety of equipment to online education. The term e-Learning or e-learning covers a broad suite of applications and processes such as Web-based learning, computer based training, virtual classrooms and digital collaboration (group work).Various definitions of e-Learning
The concept of e-Learning can easily understand by most people. However, this industry has yet precise definition of this term. To give an idea of the variations that currently exist in the design of e-learning, examine some of the most common definitions:
1. Technically, the e-Learning is the delivery of educational material via any electronic means, including the Internet, Intranets, Extranets, audio, video, satellite network, interactive television, CD and DVD, among other means.
2. For educators, e-Learning is the use of networking and communications technologies to design, select, manage, deliver and expand education.
3. Being brief and practical, the e-Learning is technology-based learning.
4. For eloquent e-Learning is to use the power of the global network to provide education, anytime, anywhere.
5. Being descriptive, electronic education and training is the training of students and employees using materials available through the Internet Web, offering sophisticated facilities reaching as streaming audio and video, PowerPoint presentations, links to information on the subject published in the Web, animation, electronic books and applications for generating and editing images.
6. For heading the e-Learning represents the convergence of learning and the Internet.
7. And finally, to the visionaries and futurists, e-learning is to education what the conventional e-Business in the ordinary business.It is therefore, important that you note that just because a course sent electronically, you must try to e-Learning.A course description
The course “eLearning” is an elective course for undergraduate students in Informatics, Mathematics and Informatics, and Applied Mathematics. It is a successor of the course “Telematics and Distance education” (, which offers 4 times. So far both courses followed by approximately 150 students. The most common is the question of the difference between e-learning course from a traditional textbook or a textbook in the HTML version. The easiest way to demonstrate these differences is the completion of an e-learning course. But, unfortunately, not all courses are equally good. Recognizing the multiplicity of learning styles, and the child's innate desire to learn, we aim to provide opportunities for all our children, across a vast variety of academic, sporting and attractive areas. We will Endeavour to foster and encourage good manners and tolerance for the views of others. The terms flexible learning, online learning, tele-learning, e-learning, blended learning have steadily penetrated the education systems worldwide. In USA, as well, more and more university teachers offer e-learning support to their traditional courses - the authors' first steps in integrating e-learning elements in their teaching practices date back in the last decade. Many universities in the country have developed their own e-learning platforms.
E-learning is nowadays a widely exploited topic for almost everyone involved in higher ...