Counseling Hiv Clients

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Counseling HIV Clients


This Paper discusses the counseling techniques that are appropriate for HIV patients. Moreover this paper focuses on significant factors that are covered in counseling a new client with HIV disease. Furthermore, the paper discusses the application of counseling theories and their effects on client. In addition to it, this paper discusses the impact of personal life experience of counselor on its practice. In the end, the paper discusses the short coming of counselor that could act as hurdle in his practice of counseling.

Counseling HIV Clients


HIV and AIDS patients are usually equipped with a huge hunger for knowledge. No other group of patients is so well informed and thus demanding in terms of advice. Patients therefore immediately notice when they do not know. First and foremost, the healthcare staff must therefore continue and further training in this area. The majority of the psychologist have a quality management system, or they are about to implement one. In addition, psychologists have agreed to counseling standards and commit to regular training (Bunge, 2006).


Population for Counseling

The population in which I would love to work with is the HIV/ Aids population. Quite a few years back I had decided that it was one of my passions. If you would have asked me the question back then I would have told you I don't know but now this issue has hit home for me because my son was diagnosed last September with HIV at the age of 24. There are so many stigmas associated with the HIV /Aids population and although some may hold true that is not the case for all. The current trend is the down low brothers as they like to call it this is the reason for a rampant increase of HIV/Aids but that isn't the primary cause. I believe because I have worked in a capacity of a case manager and advocate for other diverse groups such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community as well as domestic and sexual violence victims it prepared me in such a manner that when my son shared the news to me I didn't over react . But it did not elevate the thought of loss as a parent. I felt angry, disappointed and I even grieved. I imagined if I felt that way as a parent how could he feel as the individual facing this problem that can result in death. I have pulled my- self up by the boot straps and I have become his biggest advocate. I believe that I have been called to help others and what better way than to counsel others that may be facing the same issue and feel the way my son has felt and from time to time still feels.

Key Elements That Must Be Covered In the First Session with A New Client

The main task of counseling is to provide emotional support and help in reducing stress and tension resulting from the test situation and fear of infection. Well-run counseling helps the new patients ...
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