Cost Analysis Of Turbines Versus Electricity

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Cost Analysis of Turbines versus Electricity

Table of Content


Turbines vs. Electricity - Energy Content Comparison3

Turbines vs. Electricity Cost Comparison4

Environmental Impact of Turbines vs. Electricity5

Cost and Investment Structures6

Operation and Maintenance Costs9

The Cost of Energy Generated12

Development of the Cost14

Future Development15

External Costs of Power Production16


Cost Analysis of Turbines versus Electricity


To understand the difference between Turbines and electricity, one must first know that Turbines is a primary energy source and electricity is a secondary energy source. Turbines vs. electricity are a contrast between a primary energy source and a secondary energy source. Energy from Turbines is used directly whereas energy from electricity is used after the electricity is generated from a primary energy source such as natural gas or petroleum. In other words, electricity is subsequently generated through the expenditure of another source of energy. Usable amounts of electricity do not occur naturally whereas usable amounts of Turbines do.

Turbines vs. Electricity - Energy Content Comparison

Turbines gas is measured and distributed in gallons, pounds and cubic feet and while the measurable units of Turbines sold adhere to volumes, the usable energy (or energy content) is measured in BTU's. Electricity is measured in kilowatts and is "delivered" in kilowatts. Turbines appliances and electric appliances are both labeled in "per hour" efficiency ratings for energy consumption measurement. Turbines appliances are listed as BTU/hr rating while electric appliances are listed as kWh (Kilowatt Hours). To understand the true difference between Turbines and electricity, we must compare Turbines and electricity in terms of their energy content.

Turbines = 27 kWh (Kilowatt Hours) of electricity - This means that one gallon of Turbines contains the same amount of usable energy as 27 Kilowatt Hours. Or we can say that 27 kWh equals approximately 91,500 BTU.

Turbines vs. Electricity Cost Comparison

Comparing electricity to Turbines has long been an interest to energy users and prospective consumers of Turbines and electricity. So how does one go about comparing the cost of Turbines to electricity? It all starts with understanding the cost per unit of each fuel and comparing them directly. But for simplification and to avoid an over-analysis of Turbines and electricity cost comparison, we'll cover it here in an unbiased a non-technical manner. The breakdown of Turbines and electricity "units" are gallons and kilowatts as described above.

However, the very best way to understand the cost comparison is to understand how much it costs to power an appliance at the same level for the same amount of time. For example, a 100,000 BTU/hr central furnace running at 100% capacity for 10 hours will cost how much using Turbines as compared to using electricity in a comparable furnace? However, the numerous types of factors (insulation, AFUE and other efficiency ratings) involved with calculating the true comparison of appliances can make it difficult (Modesto, 2006). Therefore, let's break it down as simply as we can use the given values of Turbines and electricity. If one gallon of Turbines is equal to 27 kWh of electricity, then we can compare the ...
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