This paper presents correlation analysis of the data taken from Green & Salkind data sets for SPSS. Data was obtained from the Lesson 31 Exercise File 1 file that contains four variables. These variables include “number of times cited by other authors”, “number of publications”, “overall course quality”, and “overall quality as an instructor”. All variables have been taken as scale variables. Overall, data sample include responses of 50 professors, who served at the same university for a total of 10 year period. Their performance was measured on a 5-point scale, showing an average of 10 year performance on quality of their courses and quality as instructors. This paper examines the correlation between variables included in the study and present analysis of the data results.
Exercise 1
Correlation Analysis to Investigate the Relationships among Variables
This section presents the correlation analysis of the variables included in the data set.
Correlation P-value among Rating-1 (overall quality as an instructor) and Rating-2 (overall course quality)
Correlation P-value among Rating-1 (overall quality as an instructor) and Rating-2 (overall course quality) is less than 0.01 significance level (p<0.01). Data results in the table present below shows that overall course quality and overall quality as an instructor are significant at 0.01 level.
Correlation between cites and Number of Publications
Correlation between number of publications by the professors and number of times cited by other authors is 0.828; this correlation appears significant at alpha level of 0.01. Table presented below shows that SPSS results for the two variables included in the analysis.