Correctional system of the foreign country The prison, for many people it is seen as a place of punishment, segregation, and humiliation but there is more than meets the eye. Prisons in Canada have gone through a significant revolution since its creation in Canada. Unfortunately there is still a large over representation of minorities in prison especially aboriginals. Minorities and aboriginals are over represented in the prison and legal system, due to both systemic and direct discrimination from the legal system and the authorities which govern the system.
There are several explanations for this over-representation, but through the use of three specific critical analyses the issue at hand will be better understood from an academic stand point. The first critical analysis that will be explored is the history of aboriginal over representation, in this section a brief history of important facts will be exposed to better understand the issue. The next analysis will be one that outlines the causes and possible remedies that need to be associated with aboriginal over representation. Finally there will be a comparison done between blacks in America and Canadian aboriginals, this will be done to showcase commonalities between the two groups.
In the United States, correctional services are administered at many levels of government, by many different agencies and jurisdictions. While not an organizationally tidy arrangement, the diversity of organizations is a source of new ideas and innovation. However, we do not always take the opportunity to learn from one another. For many people working in corrections, the primary and perhaps only professional contacts are with people working at the same location in the same agency.
It is practically always stimulating and enlightening to visit other correctional agencies, even if only the jail in the next county, or the prison in a nearby state. A visit to a correctional facility or program in another nation and culture would be especially interesting, but, for most correctional professionals, the opportunity to attend a national convention is an infrequent opportunity, and the prospect of an international tour is inconceivable. An obvious alternative is to visit other correctional programs and services over the internet. There are some practical problems, but these are gradually being overcome.
A major problem is language. If you cannot read and write in the language of the foreign country, you cannot find correctional agencies on the internet, or interpret what you get if you find it. Your browser may also not be able to display what you find, unless you have configured it to display a foreign language character set. Fortunately, both Microsoft's and Netscape's browsers can be configured to display a wide range of foreign language character sets.
A second problem involves the limitations in internet deployment in many countries. In many parts of the world, the there is limited capacity to invest in developing the telecommunications infrastructure to support widespread internet implementation.
Finally, there are differences in how correctional programs and services are perceived both by people working ...