Corporate Social Responsibility

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Wal-Mart stance on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also called corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined as the active and voluntary contribution to improving social, economic and environmental by companies, usually with the aim of improving its competitive position and valuation and its value (Mullerat , 2010).

Corporate social responsibility goes beyond compliance with laws and regulations, assuming their respect and strict compliance. In this sense, labor laws and regulations related to the environment are the starting point to environmental responsibility. Compliance with this basic policy does not match Social Responsibility, but with the obligations that any company must meet simply because of his activities. It would be difficult to understand allegation by a company's CSR activities if it has or does not comply with the legislation referred to their activities (William, Werther, &Chandler, 2010).

This piece of writing is designed to address a particular aspect of Wal-Mart in terms of its corporate social responsibilities. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an important theme of the business sector that is gradually turning into a streamline activity. No company can live in complete isolation, ignoring the welfare, protection and prosperity of its external environment and this has been greatly realized by Wal-Mart (Büthe & Mattli, 2011).


The code of Business ethics of Wal-Mart entails that the company will conduct its business activities with high standards of dignity, keeping the interest of third parties intact. The company also promises to keep its employees in high esteem whereby their rights are to be understood and ensured duly. They will be appreciated, rewarded, and understood. Its code of conduct also includes its responsibilities towards national and international trade, business integrity, personal conduct, political activity, conflicts of interest, health and safety, environment, customers, supply chain and community involvement (Mullerat, 2010).

Discuss the connection between the CSR program and why it is necessary to the specific industry?

The Wal-Mart's mantra of 2011 is “Smart Philanthropy and Effective CSR”. WAL-Mart claims that many corporations' belief that philanthropy refers to the performance that is for well being of society. However, Wal-Mart alleges that environmental or social goods cannot be achieved without proffering smart channels in utilizing money contributions. By the date of January 18, 2011, Wal-Mart has announced for a donation of dollar two million in an endeavor to green and promote food banks around the United State (William, Werther, &Chandler, 2010).

Key Elements of Program

By 2015, the food items of everyday package will be reformulated. They will add the 10% sugar, reduce 25% sodium and reduce all industrial products that cause fat transaction.

More affordable will be offered by creating a number of choices. On fresh vegetable and fruits, customer can save around & 1 billion per year.

For front seal package, Wal-Mart is making a strong criterion that helps to customer for having truly healthier food like whole-wheat pasta, and whole grain cereal.

For food desert, Wal-Mart is creating several building stores in unearned communities.

For Nutrition Programs, Wal-Mart is increasing its boundaries in the academic ...
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