Corporate Social Responsibility

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Corporate Social Responsibility

The market economy is in search of its lost values. In the context of questioning of capitalism, corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept to both ancient and modern has regained attention. The gradual taking conscience collective international replace collective consciousness of the adverse international economic system. (Jones 1997, 1-2)

Corporate social responsibility especially involves multinationals as the main actors of global capitalism. Growth can be sustained against the use and nature. The company is responsible which includes voluntary social and environmental concerns in its business and its relationships with its stakeholders. Although minimal this definition is at the heart of controversies about the relevance of a tort -financial corporations. (Burchell 2008, 12-35)

There is a need therefore to identify opportunities for partnerships among public, business and community interests to flourish and boost national development as a consequence of inward investments and compliance with national legislation and job creation, while demonstrating best practice reflective of CSR / IB strategies that could trigger additional rewards from national governments for investments. (Forstater 18-34, 2002)

Corporate Social Responsibility of McDonalds

The multinational American fast food restaurant McDonalds, received training in social responsibility to 76% of European suppliers with whom it works until 2004, a total of 364, performing audits on more than 33% of its production facilities located in Europe and supply the company - 234 factories - according to data from their last European Corporate Responsibility Report 2005, which closes with a promise to reach the end of this past year 90-95% of training RSC suppliers and 90% of its production facilities audited. (Fombrun 2000, 67-72)

Since 2001 the company has implemented a training program for providers of social compliance standards that Mc Donald's hopes. This is an interactive training that uses case studies, workshops and question-answer sessions, which help them, understand the company's proposed standards, can apply and correct any error regarding the Code. (Griffin 1997, 5-31)

This training is aimed at both suppliers of products (Coca-Cola, etc) as the Happy Meal toy manufacturers, equipment companies, service providers, etc. After this training, providers who have implemented and integrated the recommended standards are audited by two entities, which in Europe are Intertek and Bureau Veritas, which assesses compliance with the Code of Mc Donald's once it has completed the training in CSR. (Edenkamp 2002, 16 -20)

The company considers the relationships between employees, franchisees and suppliers as a "three-legged stool, with which it works in three key areas: quality and food safety, environmental action and social responsibility. (Gray 2001, 110-130) Since 2002, McDonald's has the initiative Scotia or 'Future Supply Chain', whose main axis of the five that comprise it is the RSC. McDonald's also donates a portion of its profits to corporate philanthropy as part of its efforts to be more socially responsible. (Petit 2001, 457-484)

Environmental and Social Impact

On the environment Mc Donald's Europe has since 1999 with its own Environmental Management System (EMS) for use as background in Europe and based on ISO 14001. The idea is to try to ensure a minimum level in ...
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