Corporate Ethics

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Corporate Ethics

Corporate Ethics


The business ethics occupies a peculiar position in the field of 'Applied ethics'. Like their counterparts in professions such as medicine and law, is unsafe application of some very general ethical principles (the "duty" or "utility", for example) crisis situations and specific and often unique. But unlike those, business ethics is interested in a field of human enterprise most of whose practitioners do not have status professional and gently express reasons which are not usually considered very noble. The below report analyzes the critical theories of corporate ethics and implications in the real world.

Table of Contents


Ethics and Business1

Teleological Theories3

Deontological Theories8

Character Ethics Theories15

Combined theories of ethics19

Theories of Corporate Ethics


The subject of business ethics is the application of ethical principles to the area of economic activity. Core values of business ethics is humanity, solidarity and responsibility. Standards for this are social justice and sustainability. It is not the role of business ethics to work out instructions but in fact it is the responsibility of organizations to look into this matter independently. For business ethics it requires an interdisciplinary discourse on which philosophers and economists, but also social scientists and theologians are involved. Basically, there is this a practical level, on the concrete issues clarified and practical attitude to be assessed, and a theoretical level, theories are judged ethically on the economic and discussed, the connection between ethics and economics is what and how this relationship can be designed or should (Aristotle, 1998).

Ethics and Business

Ethics is one of the areas of philosophy, showing the differences between good and evil. The word comes from the Greek "ethos" and meant "custom", "custom". Aristotle first used it when conducting research on the life and human behavior. Ethics was regarded as the science of human nature, his actions and motives of his behavior. The person, who finally formulated the concept of ethics, was the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. He believed that ethics deals with what should be rather than what it is. It is the reflection of Kant which had a great influence on the creation of business ethics. The concept that have not been transformed, still form the basis for reflection on contemporary issues of ethics in business world. The concept of ethics can be summarized in other words it is a science of morality, a set of rules and social norms of conduct which were found to be valid at the time and place (Barry, 1989).

Based on the previous discussion, business ethics can be defined as the study of ethics applied to companies in the public, private or mixed. Business ethics is a field of study which has gained increasing importance in recent years. Its most are important to the United States, where research in this area is developed profusely. In other countries, awareness of the ethical dilemmas generated by companies is growing gradually. In the case of England, several investigators have reported a lower interest in the area, compared with the ...
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