Coping With Violence in Ones Community: Children as Viewers and Participants
IntroductionLiving in today's society is dangerous to the development of children. Social life is riskier today than it was 40 years ago. The fear of terrorist acts is bringing violence among communities, out of which children make up a significant proportion. The social maps of children are formed as a result of this experience and exposure to violence. This paper discusses the same social maps and behaviors followed by children's observation of violence. The findings of the authors including Perry and Garbarino are also mentioned.
Bruce Perry's Discussions of Brain DevelopmentBruce Perry has worked as a consultant and has observed many high profile incidents involving the traumatized children. He conducted his research on the Columbine High School massacre, the Waco siege, and, the Oklahoma City bombing. His studies focus on providing the analysis of the long term affects of violence and trauma among the children, adults, and adolescents. He describes the biology of brain with respect to the traumatic events in observed in childhood. His brain development model of children is currently used in the Yountville's Trauma recovery Center in Kansas (Perry, 6).
Perry finds the connection and the pathway which are created by every child experiences. The greater variety of experiences, the more children's brain will develop. This is the reason why the early parental and social care is required by the children than at any other stage. For instance, when children go through stress and trauma, their bodies release chemicals that literally blocks parts of the brain. It makes difficult for them to learn. On the contrary, when children feel safe and secure, their brain is ready to learn. This implies the harmful effect of children's development followed by violence and trauma. There are several features that Perry discusses related to the brain development (Perry, 7).
The brain has a hierarchical structure from lower to the higher and ore complex areas. The most complex functions like language and conceptual thinking are controlled by the higher hierarchical areas. These areas develop the later permanent behavior among the children based on their environment and observation (Perry, 15).
With the cognitive and social experience during infancy and childhood, the mature brain develops in a capacity to tolerate frustration. However, the older frustrated child may feel like biting, kicking, and screaming but has the capacity to modulate these urges. With the passage of time, the anxiety as a result of nay threatening situation becomes deeply ingrained in the development that the behavioral discrepancies occur.
As a result of this mental development initiated by the observation of violence, the most dangerous children are created by the combination of experiences. The devastating stress and developmental neglect create violence, and remorseless children. This is known as sensitized brainstem system (Perry, 15).Garbarino's Discussions of Rick Factors and their Impacts on Children's BehaviorsAccording to the research of pediatric health expert Garbarino, the poverty, low level of education in parents, family child abuse, the violent social environment and the absence of parents support are the most critical factors that cause violent behaviors among children (Garbarino, 10)
Exposure to ViolenceChildren who display violent behaviors are mimicking the ...