Contemporary Criminal And Social Justice

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Contemporary Criminal and Social Justice

Table of Contents


Thesis Statement4


The Social and Psychological Aspect5

The Legal and Ethical Aspect5

Crime Scene Investigation Techniques7

Methods during the investigation of crime scene7

Photographic evidence7

Search for more evidences8


The witnesses and spectators9

Private investigation10

Collection, Preservation and Presentation of Evidence11

Criminal Evidence11

Form of Evidence11


Types of evidences12


Search and seizure13

The fifth amendment of Bill of Rights and Social Justice13

Issues Related to Correctional Institutions, Incarceration, and Release14


The Social and Emotional Issues14

Financial Difficulties15

Correctional Institutions15


Criminal and social justice theories in relation to the United States Constitution16

The Architecture of Social Justice Theories16


The Diversity of Contemporary Theories18

Deontological Theories18


Socio-Economic (Cultural) Diversity to Contemporary Criminal and Social Justice19

The United Sates Legal Counsel and Social Justice20

Agency Act of 200220

The International Aspects Of Criminal And Social Justice21



Contemporary Criminal and Social Justice


Crime refers to a set of acts that are carried out against the laws which are typically implemented and generally accepted by the entire society overall. Crime can also be defined as 'the conduct of a person or persons who do not meet the requirements of the given society and violate the laws of that particular society'. As a result, the crime may differ depending on criminal code of each country. A criminal who commits a crime on several occasions can be regarded an reclusive person, since his or her actions undermine the normal functioning of the society, endangering a different nature to its members. Crime is a unique human behavior, however, it is not a spontaneous phenomenon; there are always factors that cause or trigger crime. Criminal aggravation can be considered as the expression of a serious and complicated social unrest which has an infallible impact on criminal law. Crimes are carried out in every country of the world and throughout the history. It is not observed in other organisms, in which aggression is limited and prevails only to feed and protect the species and territory. This paper evaluates the study of crime and how it operates and how the criminal justice system helps to eliminate it (Bateman, 2007).

Thesis Statement

Criminal Justice system of United States works effectively in collaboration with the social agencies to practice intervention programs for the criminals.


The Social and Psychological Aspect

Criminal behavior is defined as a conscious behavior which takes place due to certain external factors such as separation of parents, psychological imbalances, and poor economic conditions etc. Causes of crime are important to be considered in order to know the role of socio-psychological mechanism of strange behavior. Under such mechanisms, the sequence of behavior is understood. This process is complex such that it affects the totality of qualities and personality traits, which are manifested in the interaction with the environment. In the motivation of criminal behavior, it is a serious place which is the need of an individual. Needs are based on social and psychological categories. They are formed in the process of socialization, i.e. in the course of its life, through communication with other people and through other channels which are under the influence of factors of the social environment. It is also done with the natural organization of ...
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