Consumption Of Alcohol And Other Drugs By Working Class And Poor People

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Consumption of Alcohol and Other Drugs by Working Class and Poor People

Consumption of Alcohol and Other Drugs by Working Class and Poor People

Consumption of Alcohol and Other Drugs by Working Class and Poor People


Talking and writing about drugs also mean discussion about the history of mankind, why drugs are used since man exists. Its consumption is related to the customs of different cultures in history. The truth is that the drugs have changed and times also have changed in relevance to use of the drug. There are many facets of the negative influence of drug addiction in society and we have to think how to effectively address these problems.


The historical approach to the phenomenon of drug addiction can pose difficulties from several decades; it is based on anthropological knowledge of the century and has remained strong in the field of pharmacology and medicine. Anthologist poses a new element, the symbolic efficacy of different drugs to explain the fact that psychoactive substances are consumed in diverse cultures. Moreover, the history of mentalities and delimitation of historical and social context, together with the contributions of sociology and social psychology, can help to establish a framework for understanding multidimensional and many faceted phenomenon of drug usage in the history. In the historical references the reasons of probation on drug usage on working and poor class is not sufficient for comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon and is always needed input from other disciplines such as anthropology, sociology to carefully define the reasons behind it. (Joseph, 1996)

Alcohol is the first substance in terms of a number of consumers in Spain. The word alcohol comes from the Arabic language which refers to all substances obtained by distillation. Drinks containing alcohol have played an important role in many cultures, both social and religious ceremonies, with the notable exception of Islamic culture. Therefore, the alcohol is not traditionally considered a drug in most cultures, as their consumption habits usually part of socially accepted and did not involve exceptions, risk of dependence. The wine has great importance in Mediterranean cultures, is also known for several millennia. The Greeks used wine in various religious ceremonies and social events such as symposia, etymologically, drinking session, dedicated to fun and exchange of ideas, and its consumption represents the status, that's why elites made the polices prohibit poor to consume alcohol and other drugs. (Wilson, 2004)

The Romans, meanwhile, also appreciated the wine and spread the cultivation of vines and its production throughout the Empire, gaining a great reputation for wines. The wine is also consumed in public and private for therapeutic and recreational purposes. Its production ended up having a great economic importance. Other forms of ethanol consumption are the most diverse types of fermented beverages, palm wine, popular in Egypt and the Middle East for millennia, also known in India, and they are made ??from juice fermentation of various types of cactus, the chichi, used in Amerindian cultures fermented mare's milk, consumed by the Tartars. Distilled spirits are known in Asia for 3,000 years, In Europe, the distillation of ...
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