Consumer Law

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LLB Consumer Law

Table of Contents


Obligations of the Supplier (Dream Tours and Fastline Cruises)3

Package Tours Regulations 19924

Consumer Information5

Consumer Protection in the Field of Tourist Services7

Implications of Criminal Liability in the Dream Tours and FastLine Cruises Case8

Advice to Dream Tours and FastLine Cruises for Understanding Consumer Behavior and Loyalty Concepts10


LLB Consumer Law


The consumer law is derived from the development of the consumer movement for the protection of consumers in their dealings with companies. The consumer law belongs to the sphere of private law. It departs very strongly to the civil law standard of the Civil Code. Thus, under the influence of consumer law, freedom of contract is not full, as a contractor (the consumer) can criticize a stipulation and obtain judicial annihilation (deemed non-writing) when he accepted the contract knowingly. The consumer law is often described as unclear and highly technical. Its main purpose is to protect the consumer in order to make the act of consumption safer. Thus, beyond simply protecting a party deemed to be low, the consumer law also aims to promote the development of consumption in a market economy. Code is added to the case law. The consumer law is a substantive right, a practice that tends to protect the consumer's consent through the introduction of devices which are mainly consumer information, the reflection period, the right to withdrawal and regulation of certain activities or professions. The consumer law has an influence on contract law. A consumer contract is defined by reference to both parties that the contract (Fairest 1988, pp. 41).


British social theorist Anthony Giddens's theory of structuration presents some key insights about the extent to which social structures (organizations, social networks, societies) are influenced by human interaction. Giddens's theory addresses the debate about the complex relationship between individuals and society. On the one hand, one may argue that human action is influenced and even constrained by the rules, norms, and institutions that are central in human social systems. On the other hand, it may be argued that creative human action and human will are central in the creation of human social systems. According to communication scholar James Olufowote, Giddens's theory rejects both of these conceptual polarities. (Restubog, Bordia & Tang, 2006, pp. 299-307)

Olufowote argues that in understanding structuration theory, one has to understand Giddens as proposing three fundamental axioms: first, Giddens argues that creative and knowledgeable human agents constitute social structure. That is, the social actors who are engaged in regular interactions are aware of their social worlds and their surroundings and often act intentionally in these contexts. Second, Giddens argues that knowledgeable human creation is itself informed by social structure, and third, he claims that both structure and agency are mutually constituted in human social practices. In this third axiom, Olufowote argues, Giddens is positing that human social practices are the fundamental unit of social analysis. This third axiom also comprises what Giddens conceptualizes as the duality of structure. (Stamper & Van Dyne, 2001, pp. 517-36)

Giddens posits that human interaction is the central ...
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