Consumer Behaviuor

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Consumer Behaviuor

Consumer Behaviuor

Table of Content


Brand Awareness4

Awareness, a quantitative tool for evaluating the brand4

Different brand awareness levels6

Brand Loyalty8

Establishing and maintaining brand loyalty8

Brand Loyalty10

Repeated Buying12

Rational and Emotional Dimensions14

Cognitive Brand Dimensions14

Brand Weight17

Brand Length18

Brand Power21

Brand Breadth22

Strategic Cognitive Perceptions23

Cognitive Perception24

Construal Level Theory26

Gender Perception27

Age Perception27



Thesis Outline

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Chapter 3: Methodology

Chapter 4: examine Finding

Chapter 5: Discussion

Chapter 6: Conclusion

Literature Review

The second chapter of the paper refers to the impact of brands upon the consumers. Managers can quantify the success of their businesses by using instruments for capturing the feedback from the consumers. The marketing team should conclude after studying the market where is their product located in the consumer's mind and in his/her buying behavior. The superior levels of brand awareness develop it time what is called brand loyalty- buying one or several brands becomes a habit for a longer period of time. Consumers are obviously touched and influenced in their buying habits by the specificity of each brand. That is why the last part of this chapter proposes an analysis of the two main coordinates of the brand structure- the rational and the emotional dimensions of a brand.

Brand Awareness

Awareness, a quantitative tool for evaluating the brand

Awareness is a multifunctional tool for the company that chooses to make licensing or form joint ventures, processes that would be a whole lot easier- the partnercompany will benefit from the brand awareness. The well known brand evokes durability and reliability. A familiar part of the everyday environment, the brand becomes a point of reference for people, contributing to the development of their preferences (by limiting the range of other possible choices) (Bottomley 2001).

Comrey (1992) Awareness is very useful as it shortens and over-simplifies the choice process and buyers appreciate this, as it helps them to make buying easier. This is one of the reasons why communication policies often mainly aim to increase or maintain brand awareness. The theory of memory has shown that the elements referring to the brand are indeed stored. The diversity of this information, as well as the strength as well as the links between its different aspects, correspond to associations which are linked in memory to a brand and could only be remembered if the brand has reached a high enough awareness level (Comrey 1992).

Aaker, D.A. (1996) and Aaker, D.A., Keller, K.L. (1990)Brand awareness, which is difficult to establish , needs to be maintained and supported in light of the influence of other brands and their market positions. In fact, the brand hits a memory saturation threshold because a strong brand limits the memorization of others. The psychological phenomenon of memory saturation leads to powerful entrance barriers, the most well-known brand having a great advantage. So a brand's striking characteristics can inhibit the memorization of other brands (Aaker, D.A., Keller, K.L. 1990: Ajzen, I. 1988).

Different brand awareness levels

Comrey (1992)Brand or company awareness can be defined as an individual's level of knowledge of the company or brand in question. This is a key concept, since it is ...