Consumer Behavior In Retail Management

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Consumer Behavior in Retail Management

Consumer Behavior in Retail Management

Preventing Customer Disorientation

The management of Price Chopper has been engaged in continuous attempts to motivate consumers and engage them in the process more than ever before. The team targeted its Colonie store in New York as the center to carry out plans that were based on sustainable initiatives. Since there is an ever-growing concern for greenhouse gases and the environment, consumers now often prefer to shop at stores that play an active role in reducing gas emission. The Colonie store was the first green store. The store was built in a building that would provide acres of space (69000 sq. ft) to sell with no disruptions in the consumers' buying experience. The site of the new store was located exactly across the previous store location. It would accentuate the consumers' buying experience and serve as motivation for increased purchases and regular visits instead of a one-time purchase (Blackwell, 2006). According to 2012 records, Shoprite remains to be the biggest retailer-owned company in the United States. Due to the cooperative system of governance, the stores do not follow a pre-defined pattern of construction, layout of the facility or color schemes used in stores. A large number of Shoprite stores continue to hold the design that was used in the year the store was launched. The design of stores was the idea of the owners at the time of opening. One such example is the Shoprite store in West Caldwell in New Jersey. The store still has a Japanese motif on the inside and the outside. The store continues to have rickshaws and signs at the exit saying “Sayonara”. ShopRite stores that were previously other stores usually contain elements of the previous occupant. As large corporations buy up stores, recent years have brought a homogenization in building design and store layout.

Who's Doing Better?

Price Chopper appears to be winning the competition against Shoprite. To make the shopping experience more engaging, the store employs a digital kiosk that provides consumers with information as to the location of their desired products in addition to the green initiatives taken by Price Chopper to perform its social responsibilities. Price Chopper stores remain operational 2 hours every day. The store has a smart lighting system that can allow the maintenance staff to control every individual light. During hours when consumers are in lesser numbers, the staff can use controls to ...
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