Consumer Behavior In E Ecommerce And Its Impact On Solar Energy Industry In Australia

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Consumer behavior in e ecommerce and its impact on solar energy industry in australia


Table of contents


1.1Outline of the study3

1.2Background of the study3

1.3Rationale of the study4

1.4Conceptual framework5

1.5Aims and objectives6

1.6Research questions6

1.7Limitation of the study7

1.8Time scale8


2.1Consumer behavior10

2.2E commerce11

2.3Consumer behavior in e commerce12

2.4Factors affecting consumer behavior in e commerce12

2.4.1Cultural factors13

2.4.2 Social factors13

2.4.3 Personal factors13

2.5Solar energy industry in Australia14

2.6Uptake of solar energy by domestic households15

2.7Impact of consumer behavior on solar energy industry15


3.1Overview of mixed method approach17

3.2Research design18

3.3Research methods18


3.5Literature search20

3.6Data analysis method20


3.8Ethical considerations21



Outline of the study

The following thesis is based on the topic “Consumer behavior in E commerce and its impact on social energy industry in Australia”. The initial chapter of the thesis will illustrate and highlight on the introduction of the topic which will also illustrate the aims and objectives and also the significance of the study. The second chapter of thesis will also provide detailed review of the literature. The second chapter of literature review in the dissertation will analyze and illustrate the previous research studies which have been carried out in the specific field and subject. The chapter of literature review will also provide an insight on the previous studies which have been carried out in the field of consumer behavior in Ecommerce and its impact on the solar energy industry in Australia. The third chapter of the dissertation will also emphasize and analyze the methodology of the proposed research investigation. The fifth chapter of the dissertation will provide and emphasize on the conclusions and recommendations for the proposed research study. The study will also provide implications of the study.

Background of the study

As mentioned in many studies, consumer behavior is defined as the process in which individuals, groups and organizations are studied to satisfy the needs and wants of the customer and also to analyze the impact the individuals and processes have on the potential customer and the society (Demangeot, 2007, pp 878). Consumer behavior helps the organization in blending various elements from various fields such as sociology, anthropology and economics. With the help of consumer behavior, organizations can understand the buyer decision making process. Consumer behavior also studies and analyzes the characteristics of many individual consumers such as demographic and behavioral variables in order to understand the needs and wants of the potential consumers. Many studies have also stated that electronic commerce is defined as the buying and selling of information and products through computer networks. The invention and evolution of the internet has developed a huge paradigm shift of the conventional ways people shop. Now day's consumers are no longer bound to specific locations. They have become active virtually and can shop online (Williams, 2001, pp 16)

Many studies have been conducted which have stated that online retailing and e commerce is one of the new and significant retailing medium for many potential consumers. The studies have revealed that online retailers must identify the factors which influence and affect the online consumer behavior and attitudes. The various factors which have a strong impact ...
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