The highest source of law is the United States Constitution. This is a set of overriding legal doctrines which may not be contradicted by any other law. In the United States Constitution, we agree as a nation to conduct our government in a certain way, and to respect certain basic human rights (Cheeseman, 2007).
Magna Carta (1215)
Magna Carta was written in 1215 as a charter of English in the development of some of Reyes powers. Actually decreased Reyes powers and was an important document, which led to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Magna Carta was due to a dispute between Pope Innocent III, King John of England and the British elites over the forces of kings. Letter from the absolute king, and gave certain rights to the church and the nobility. One of the most important rights is the right against illegal detention, now known as Habeas Corpus. Magna Carta was revised in the Charter of 1225, dropping some provisions that allowed the nobles to vote and do not pay attention to the king. But it is the creation of the parliament with some authority to disregard the decision of the king. In addition courts established by law, where people should be evaluated by a jury of their peers, able to protect their property with reasonable force, holy places are protected, anti-corruption provisions. This is an early version of our checks and balances system where no one individual has absolute rule (Cheeseman, 2007).
Mayflower Compact (1620)
Mayflower Compact is considered as the basis for most liberal policy decisions in the United States of America. It is the first documentation of the known concept of government of a majority decision. However, when this agreement was signed, the signatories do not take into account. They did it to ...