Constitution Café: Jefferson's Brew For A True Revolution- A Review

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Constitution Café: Jefferson's Brew for a True Revolution- A review

Constitution Café: Jefferson's Brew for a True Revolution- A Review


Christopher Philips is an American author, a deliberative democracy specialist and a scholar. He was born in 1959. He is a staunch supporter of bringing about a constitutional change in the United States. The idea he proposes for bringing about his constitutional change is by making the Americans talk to other Americans about how they can bring about this change in the constitution of their country. Phillips has combined Socrates' approach and Jefferson's wisdom to show Americans the way to make their constitution a better one. Christopher Phillips is very passionate about inquiring things. As a follower of Socrates' method, he always keeps reminding his readers that they ought to ask questions (

Christopher Phillips is best known for his book "Socrates Café" of 2001, he has set it as a model for the formation of the Socrates Café groups all around the globe. His latest book, "Constitution Café", which was published in 2011, has also spurred a thought provoking process in the less ignorant Americans.

Christopher Phillips was awarded the Distinguished American Leadership Award and a Senior Fellow in the Critical Writing Program at the University of Pennsylvania. He believes that the process of human interaction and the process of dialogue are not only good but also essential for us as an individual as well as a society. He believes that Americans should approach each other with less fear and more openness. He tries to inspire wonder and curiosity to lead people to self discovery ( He founded the Socrates Café dialogue as well as the Constitution Café to encourage conversations and dialogue. He is the Executive Director of pro-democracy nonprofit Democracy Cafe.


Christopher Phillips' "Constitution Café: Jefferson's Brew for a True Revolution" was published in 2011. This book has been dedicated to Jeffersonian ideas about life, freedom, the pursuit of happiness and liberty. The book is about different groups of aspiring Americans' point of views as to how they would change the constitution of the United States of America if they were allowed to start from scratch. He also describes in his book the factors which led him go out and initiate a campaign meant to generate a new country wide Constitutional Convention. He wants the Americans to better understand and challenge the most basic and the most important freedoms, taking help ...