Congress does a better job of representing voters than the President because members of Congress are subject to more frequent elections and do not have term limits.
Main Body
Of course assembly comprises the voters better, not only for those causes you recorded but furthermore because Congress comprises of persons comprising lesser groupings of Americans (such as a state congressional foremost comprising the will of those in a state) and as a outcome more persons of distinct backgrounds are being represented. When you have more managers dividing up bigger populations than more persons can really be comprised since it is simpler for their voices to be heard.
Also, Congressional managers are cast a poll on by a direct ballot, so the accurate most of their district cast a poll them in, comprising those persons more adequately. The leader is not only seeking to be the foremost of a entire territory, but he/she is voted into agency through an electoral school significance that not everyone's ballot enumerations to the identical span as those in Congress. (Rimmerman, 76)
Congress comprises lesser assemblies and exceptional concerns more. They comprise a geographic locality while the leader is more agent of nationwide topic and therefore genuine voter issues. Electoral school is a poor cause to discount the leader as there are only 2-3 examples in annals the electoral school did not contemplate the well likeable vote. Similarly, gerrymandering localities can been glimpsed to have the identical result for congressional candidates.
America is the economic hub of the world. The joined States of America were evolved in 1776 with the casting of the affirmation of independence. In this document the origin fathers of the joined States set up a power scheme that checked and balanced itself. This was founded powerfully on the British scheme of government with the exception of a king. Now the American government is made up of the House of Representatives and assembly, which cover the law-making branch of government. The Presidential position which is the elected authorized that is selected by the American persons to represent them as a country. The last branch is the judicial branch, which is to judge the interpretation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (Davidson, 53).
Now in this government created by the equal people of America, the Congress and dwelling of Representatives are selected along with the President to comprise them as individuals. The right to select the representatives is certain thing written in the Constitution. Now as are against too many strong developed countries the choice to vote is not an option.
So voter turnout is exceedingly good in most European nations. Americans also are granted the alternative on it or not they desire to proceed on their proficiency to vote if they are registered. Now the most new thing that Americans are endeavoring to do is the nationwide Voter Registration Act. Motor voter is presumed to try to do away with this problem. "engine Voter, permitted Americans to list to vote at the identical time that ...