It has been established that there are numerous reasons for the significant downturn in revenue in the North West region. However, the overriding issue comes from the change. In ownership of two competitors who have introduced new marketing campaigns. The paper is based on the investigation for the possible reasons as to why there has been a considerable downturn in revenue. It examines the Market Research effectiveness and suggests alternative strategies for the future.
Congo Telecommunications
Part A
“Why do so many questionnaires fail?”
Some of the failure reasons of questionnaires are:
Questionnaires are relatively easy to design, but good questionnaires represent a significant investment in time and expertise to prepare. Questionnaires can take considerable time to distribute process, analyze, and report. Questionnaires are not as flexible as interviews or focus groups. The latter permit the exploration of unanticipated issues whereas questionnaires usually only provide information directly related to the specific questions included in them. Many people are reluctant to respond to questionnaires and response rates of forty percent or lower are not unusual. (Rary, R.B. 2006, 56-87)
There are several failure reasons of the questionnare. Firstly only a very few people would be interested in filling out the questionnaire mailed to them in fact only those people would be willing to answer and mail back the questionnaire who are interested in the topic or subject which that particular questionnaire is about. The body language of the respondent can not be observed as the respondent cannot be seen. Then even those people who do mail back the questionnaire might not have all of the questions answered in it. It can be time consuming as the questions are not answered there and then. Lastly the questions can be misunderstood. They depend on subjects' motivation, honesty, memory, and ability to respond. Subjects may not be aware of their reasons for any given action. They may have forgotten their reasons. They may not be motivated to give accurate answers; in fact, they may be motivated to give answers that present themselves in a favorable light. Structured surveys, particularly those with closed ended questions, may have low validity when researching affective variables. (Rary, R.B. 2006, 56-87)
Unlike survey interviews, questionnaires do not provide an opportunity for the auditor to clarify questions, verify that answers are understood, seek clarification or elaboration of answers or ensure that the respondent answers all questions on the form. There may not be an opportunity to go back to respondents if all the information needed to support a conclusion was not asked for or provided, or if it becomes evident that questions were not clear. Nor is it possible in most instances to seek corroboration of answers. In general, the same depth of information is not available from a questionnaire as through interviews. In addition, the respondents being surveyed must have the requisite literacy skills. Because of the difficulty of obtaining or giving additional clarification and information, careful questionnaire development is essential to ensure that questions will elicit all ...