I have been working with my current employer for just over a month. In that short time, I have observed a great deal about my new work environment. This particular organization has been the leading, original electronics manufacturer in the Northwest for the last few years, but considering that the majority of its staff is comprised of new hires, I would say there is still plenty of room in which to improve organizationally. Although I may not be the most content with where I am at in my career at this point in time, I am still quite blessed to work for an organization that strives to communicate effectively, promotes diversity, and has processes and strategies in place for managing conflict.
Understanding conflict is a key element in effectively achieving conflict resolution. Although conflict proves to have benefits and drawbacks, conflict resolution is an important aspect of team unity. An important work-team responsibility is to create a team environment in which conflict can be managed, not avoided. By using the appropriate approaches and methods to manage conflict, conflict resolution can effectively be achieved (Cavenagh, 1999).
Conflict, like water and fire, is neither good nor bad. Unlike water or fire, however, conflict is not something that can been directly touched, weighed or seen--it lies in the minds of the people who are in conflict. Conflict must be recognized and overcome to avoid its destructive effects on a work team. Teams must realize early on that conflict among their members is inevitable. By being proactive and looking for ways to resolve conflict beforehand, teams are ready for conflict as it arises. Teams can then move forward with the necessary tools and skills, which they have attained through preparation and research, to resolve conflicts that can hinder the team's progress (Costantino et al, 2002).
My organization Business Conflict Resolution
There has been quite a bit of conflict I have seen employees experience in my time with my new organization. Being their go-to person in human resources, I often hear several different angles and perspectives between the parties involved. I'm still working on utilizing my discerning and evaluative listening skills to better understand the conflicts that are surfacing in the workplace. Our VP of Human Resources, on the other hand, is amazing at evaluating conflict and managing that conflict appropriately. He has built, documented, and put processes in place on how to best manage a variety of conflict scenarios (Engleberg, I., Wynn, D., & Schuttler, R. 2003).
It seems that having strategies in place allows and ensures that the formal communication and conflict management mechanisms between management and staff are clearly defined ("Why an internal communication strategy is critical to businesses," 2005, & 6). In knowing that every situation will be different, it has been good to know that I have a binder full of guidelines I can follow when conflict arises. I am one of those people who finds conflict amusing and challenging - as demented as it may ...