Nearly fifteen months, nearly 13,000 people, 500,000 IDPs and 73,000 refugees in neighboring countries. Daily deaths and a conflict that, as time passes, is closer to a civil war. These are the characteristics that unfortunately meets today's Syria.
A country whose president, Bashar Al Assad , despite its international isolation, with the exception of certain allies will not support in meeting the demands of its people. A population whose death and daily wear and look from the outside, raises many questions that have to face a very obvious: Why not intervene?
This paper discusses about the current situation of the Syrian conflicts and all the associated parties in this whole scenario.
Syrian Conflict - A Proxy War
The Syrian conflict has long been a proxy war. In the face, two international camps: the U.S., the EU and the Gulf states supporting them and working towards the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad, but Russia and China have been internationally backing Assad and held together with Iran, they are looking for a solution, maintained in the regime . Both camps currently pressing diplomatically up a gear: Iran has shortly convene a conference on the situation in Syria, Iran, and thus in the camp of the friends of the regime over the leadership of the two great powers.
The conflicting parties in Syria conflict should not expect insight. The scenario is more open than ever. The rebels now have a real opportunity to overthrow Assad and his regime to crush. Meanwhile, hopes of acting more and more isolated rulers to settle grapeshot the uprising in Damascus and Aleppo.
The current deadlock on the ground is not solely the result of the strength or weakness of the warring parties. It is increasingly sought by outside interference. The blockade of the Russians and the Chinese in the Security Council has been criticized time and again. Annan, however, have no reason to not announce his resignation very day on which the United States signaled its increased support of the rebels - supposedly not with weapons, but with intelligence, communications and money.
At the end the result is the same: The rebels are strengthened. Simultaneously fill Moscow and Tehran on Assad's stocks of grenades and bullets. In Syria has long been a classic proxy war is being waged.
By now, there are three wars instead of parallel. At the beginning, the struggle of a dictator against the impoverished part of his people, the struggles for freedom and dignity. The family takes the rights of the Syrian regime for four decades with feet. The people began so its peaceful uprising that has now mutated into armed rebellion.
The second war is being waged between Syria's ethnic and religious groups. The majority of the Sunnis - it is far from all - are against the state-supporting minority of Alawites, Christians and Shiites. Many of Minderheitler but lose trust in the Alawite regime as guardians of their interests. But a page break does not guarantee security.