Conflict Analysis

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Conflict Analysis

Conflict Analysis


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures relating to the conflict between Chinese and American cultures at the workplace. In this paper, we will analyze the conflict using all relevant, significant concepts and principles from the textbook and course Content. For our purpose, we will use the 8 steps for analysis of conflict (Masters, 2002). Conflict is not a simple difference of opinion, or feelings. It is a total or partial incompatibility between one or more individuals on objectives, intentions and interests. Conflicts between workers and employers are typical disputes because they include face to face factors of the production process, labor and capital in response to this situation. Examples: disputes arising from unfair dismissal, the breach of the collective agreement, and so on. The conflict is both an expression of need and the sign of an obstacle to the satisfaction of it. Only by finding a new balance between these two components that allow the conflict to play the most pivotal role, that lead us to a fulfilling change (Leung, 2008). In this paper, we will consider the theories of conflict and relate established understanding in different dimensions of practicality. In this paper, we will include at least one underlying conflict theory to support our analysis.


It is difficult to understand the notion of conflict by simply focusing on any one theory. In order to understand the cultural conflict between Chinese and American, an explanation may require an integration of two or more theories to account for a sequence of events. In our case, leadership that does not meet expectations can promote anxieties within employees (psychodynamic), can influence how people talk to each other about expectations (interaction), and blame each other for failures (attribution). These theories are perfectly related to the scenario of cultural conflict between American and Chinese at the work place (Kuhn, 2000).

Pattern of Conflict

In this study, we found cultures involved which see the world from different cultural windows. If this situation we add that the culture of the Republic of China has evolved steadily over the past years, the situation is complicated. The prevailing custom of treatment is determined by the "commitment of the word" rather than by contract.

The dimensions of culture are multiple and often are responsible for organizations to crown with success or failure of their interactions, which are increasingly global market. Cultural forms can cause misunderstandings, disagreements and conflicts, or a comprehension and understanding of the other party. Importantly, one of the findings is to be detected is that the organizational climate and stress defense, for which the work environment becomes very heavy, as people of Eastern origin only focus on results, unmotivated the staff (Folger , 2009). There is interest in establishing communication between them in areas other than work-related aspects.

Identification of behaviors

In the conflict between American and Chinese culture, we have identified the following behaviors:

Conflicting personalities exist within almost every group, members can generate discomfort, apprehension or discomfort ...
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