Confidential Client Information

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Confidential Client Information

Protection of Confidential Client Information

Case Scenario #1 (Security Breach)


Confidentiality is an important issue because without it, professionals would find it difficult to build relationships with their clients. Trust in a carer/client relationship is important, as a client would not want to share personal information with someone if they felt it was not confidential and Fulford (2001) agrees that confidentiality is a function of relationships. This could be why new employees in the caring profession find it difficult to relate to their clients until a relationship has been formed.

When a person gives information about themselves to other people such as doctors or carers, that person is giving their consent for the professional to share the information given. This kind of consent is known as 'implicit consent'. It is when a person gives consent with out realising they have and unless they specifically ask for the information to be strictly confidential, then that information will be shared amongst other professionals within that profession (Unit23, p67) This kind of consent is usually present when a client or resident can not make decisions about their information being shared, maybe the client is unconscious or has learning disabilities. The Department of Health (1996) states those professionals in this position must be trusted to act in their patient's best interests. Another type of consent is known as 'explicit consent. This is consent given with the patient or client knowing about it. For instance, if a person was filling out a form and it stated that the information provided on the form is shared among other professionals, it would then ask for a signature to allow for this sharing to occur.


Pressure from upper management can put a strain on the ethical boundaries of a company. Amgen is a biotech firm which has pushed salesmen past the acceptable ethical guidelines and as a result, may have crossed ethical boundaries. The company is facing allegations of obtaining patients? confidential information and using it to benefit Amgen. The action is inconsistent with actions termed acceptable by the biotech industry. Establishing ethics policies, ethics committees, and ethics training prevent companies from knowingly committing ethics violations.

Ethical Issue in BusinessAmgen, who is marketing the psoriasis drug Enbrel, has recently found them selves in an ethical bind. The company began having problems when management pressured their sales representatives to look into patient?s files to find those who have psoriasis so they could try new treatment on them. These sales representatives refused to be a part of this illegal activity and were terminated. When filing a suit against the company, two of the sales representatives told of other illegal issues Amgen had participated in. Not only was Amgen breaking confidentiality rules they were also having some associates pose as doctor?s staff to go through insurance companies to receive reimbursement for the medicine. Finally, Amgen is under investigation ?into whether Amgen had engaged in off-labeling marketing. Enbrel is approved for moderate or severe psoriasis, but the two former [employees] say the ...
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