This sport for their condition and its nature is one of the most traumatic injuries due to players who practice | The National Football League (in English, National Football League, NFL) recently approved new rules that have begun to implemented to protect the physical integrity and health of the players, especially those who suffer concussions in the field.
A recent study estimated that in the U.S. per year are recorded 300,000 traumatic brain injuries related to sports where strength and extreme risk. They are mainly ice hockey, soccer, baseball, rugby and football. In these, athletes have a high percentage of a concussion.
In the case of football, by its nature, condition and there is no doubt it is one of sport's most injuries occur in players who practice it. The most common injuries include ankle sprains, pulled muscles, broken bones, torn ligaments and concussions. The latter, which is technically known as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the most problematic because those who practice this sport and generates serious consequences that can even lead to death.
For this reason the National Football League (in English, National Football League, NFL) recently approved new rules that have begun to be implemented for the protection of the physical integrity and health of the players, especially those who suffer concussions field in the brain.
NFL teams now have new instructions, much stricter on how to act when players suffer head injuries, before being allowed to return to a game or a workout (Carroll,2012).
These measures are the most recent of which was applied on the league always sensitive issue of traumatic brain injury and has been the very NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, who has personally led the implementation of the new rules, through an internal memo sent to the 32 ...