Concrete Mixer

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Concrete mixer

Letter of transmittal

[Name of the Supervisor]

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Dear Sir,

The paper discussing below is about the methodology on how concrete cements are produced. There are different methods of mixing appropriate material to derive a good concrete material which can be use for various purposes.

I hereby submit my term report on “how to make concrete mixture”. The paper below evaluates all the aspects regarding the making of concrete.

Yours Sincerely




The performance of concrete is evaluated by the microstructure of the concrete. The microstructure is being evaluated by mixture, its remedial condition also by the method applied in the mixture performance. The procedure of mixture includes the mixer types, the order of materials mixed in the mixture and their proportion. On the properties of concrete, a vast deal of research has taken place, but still the researchers are unable to provide visible results on the maximum use of the concrete materials to improve durability and performance in the long term (Rogers, 1994).


The mixer of concrete divides into 2 essential classifications: batch mixtures and nonstop mixtures. The batch mixture produces the mixture in the form of only one batch. The continuous mixture creates the result in a constant level all the time. In a batch mixture, the material is put when the mixing tray is emptied after the concrete has been produced. In case of continuous mixture, the material is input from one end and the result produces on the other end, without any time delay (A.M, 2006).

Batch Mixers

On the basis of the orientation of the axis rotation, two essential types of batch mixture are identified. One is the horizontal (drum mixture), and other is the vertical (pan mixers). The difference between a drum mixer and pan mixture is of fixed blades and axis (Rogers, 1994).

Drum Mixers

The drum mixture contains a cross sectional container. Inside the movable drum, the cutting edge is joint together. Drum mixture's main job is to uplift the material or content when the drum is rotating. The container is of a cross sectional design of all the drum mixers. The cutting edge attach to the inside of the movable drum. Their main purpose is to lift the materials as the drum rotates. The drum rotates in such a way that the material, which uses in, marking the concrete, is pour again to start the batch again.

Pan mixtures

The pan mixtures primarily work on the ...
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