Concord Bookshop

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Concord Bookshop

Concord Bookshop


The main problem which occurred in the Concord Bookshop was lack of change. The bookshop was very famous for its quality service, books and management. The only thing the management lacked was that it wasn't currant. In the era where internet is at its peak and eBay and Amazon have grasped major parts of online market, Concord bookshop was not earning the desired profits (Grol, 2004).


The first theory related to implementing change is by Kurt Lewin. Lewin believes that the change in behavior is to learn the terms used to refer to many different phenomena simply, in fact, had been to act as learning. In a research study, the difference will need to make a variation of at least four (i.e. knowledge) changes, as changes in the willingness to learn, and secondly, as a group of properties of the first school of research, as a cognitive structure Third, the change of ideology; and Fourth, the study of free muscle control in response to changes in the body. Cognitive structure and motivation learn the theory of Lewin primarily to explore, and change of learner. According to Lewin's theory, Concord Bookshop must go through a proper analysis on its flow and process for the implementation of change (Kotler, 1989).

Communication theory is the temperature of the Kurt Butler Temperature of from Kurt Butler Not only for psychological knowledge, "How social life", to study a group of individual ideas, motivation, desire, behavior and trends in the study of communication also Lewin. Levin, the concept of "gatekeepers" and "gatekeeper of action" the first, was placed in front during World War II. The U.S. government, Lewin, became a student studying in this campaign found to encourage the public consumption of the internal organs of animals at that time: housewife of food is not ...
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