Concealed Handguns On Campus

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Concealed Handguns on Campus


After the dreadful shootings at the Northern Illinois University and Virginia Tech, a group was formed in the United States to promote the rights of the students, and faculty to carry concealed weapons in the campus. The group was named as “Students for Concealed Carry on Campus.” The National Rifle Association and some other pro-gun carrying groups joined this group immediately as they have been trying to liberalize the concealed carrying gun laws of United States for years.

Currently, the laws of four states: Colorado, Virginia, Michigan and Utah allow students, or at least not prohibit carrying weapons on campus. So that today about 25 colleges allow them. Following this trend, seven other states in the Midwest and West are preparing their bills or state voting to approve the right to carry weapons on college campuses in Arizona, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. Just in Texas House Bill 750 has already been approved by a committee and could get the nod. In many states, affected students are discussing their right to bear arms in the University. The gun lobby repeatedly argues that the shooters weapon-free zones, such as universities for their attacks because they receive little initial resistance.


Frequently in the widespread debates, was the actuality that our state's universities and colleges are among the safest spaces in the nation, largely because their universities remained in virtually all cases, without guns lost followed. The overwhelming majority of 4314 universities and colleges in America forbid the faculty and students to hold concealed weapons in universities and colleges (omissions are some universities and public schools of Utah). In spite of the open shootouts like the ones mentioned above, such shootings in the campuses of universities and colleges, in the United States, occur rarely (Blumstein, 5).

For the promotion of a healthy university and school environment in United States, it is significant that the teachers and students are safe on their campuses. If the students are permitted to carry concealed weapons on campus in United States, undoubtedly, majority of the faculty and students will not feel comfortable knowing that their fellow students and teachers were and other student's weapons (Blumstein, 5).

Teachers and students should be able to speak liberally in the classrooms, in which the discussion frequently touched on notorious matters, which generate infatuation. The beginning of firearms on campus would be the dialogues with the fear of potential vengeance for the reticence. Whether a class discussion, an interview student-teacher of a class or an informal interaction in a dorm, the presence of hidden weapons would be open exchange of ideas, the limit is so important to the college experience. The gun lobby repeatedly argues that the shooters weapon-free zones, such as universities for their attacks because they receive little initial resistance.

Allowing concealed carry holders to bring handguns on campus would be a series of public safety concerns for institutions that have a legal obligation to provide a safe environment for its students, faculty and visitors pose. As in a report ...
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