Computer Mediated Communication

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Computer Mediated Communication



Communication plays a role in the lives of all human beings, in all its modes of expression. Advances in technology, meanwhile, increasingly take on a fundamental value in terms of communication for people who use it in the various activities of daily life. The rapid development of science and technology, is presented as a challenge to social scientists, while we can investigate the modification and assumption, not only in traditional ways of communicating, but opens doors to new ways of work, entertainment, education, transformations that reveal weaknesses in traditional theoretical models to understand the processes which man lives in a virtual reality where you build a new every day (Knapp & Daly, 2002, pp. 194-201).

Social psychology therefore cannot be oblivious to this reality that exists, which varies and depends on the feel and evaluated. We're talking about an objective reality marked by a series of technological interconnections but contains as a criterion of existence constructed by the subject of this interaction, by the way they incorporate it into the different areas in their day to day. Corresponds to deepen our science course, in the scope psychosocial and the meanings they attach to the "new technologies" of communication, which affect the mediation of inter-subjectivity in a world in which as stated "the profound transformations of post-industrial civilization rapidly subvert the space-time coordinates in which they have been constructing social realities, representations and identities of peoples in general and individuals in particular. A social reality, which revolutionized our social and cultural formations "establishing references global scope and values ??that pervade the public spaces of the conversational and even private".

It is said that one hundred percent of the professors of the University of Havana used the e-mail to communicate, internally and with other centers, institutions or persons who are outside the same, nationally and internationally, for a total of 1596 users. Of these more than 50 percent benefit from remote access, so from their homes may also accede to it. Increasingly assigned greater importance because not only is assumed as a necessary means of corporate communication, but it allows the fulfillment of different needs from all significant areas of their daily lives (Mcmillan, 2002, pp. 242-45). It is thus an element that influences the construction of subjectivity from the interactions that are established through such practices.

Problem Statement

The purpose of this paper is to reflect on possible improvements that mediated communication computer (Computer mediated Communication) may occur in the initial attraction among the different around the world. To do this, we believe that a fundamental step is to have a system empirical and based on solid research on computer mediated communication in the international context, aimed at analyzing the communication.

Background of the Study

Developing this kind of research acquires practical value in identifying both the relevance and significance of the use of new communication technologies and the construction of social reality of these users in the university, represents a significant potential to strengthen networks communication both in and out thereof (Ramirez, 2007, pp. 53-70). Be clear about the ways in which it ...
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